Saturday, October 17, 2020



WOW! What a story. This is by far my very favorite Steena Holmes book to date. Each book is great but this one. This one just left me breathless. I am so honored to be a part of her advanced reading group. An influencer for her books. Thank you for that Steena. 

This is a story that will leave you with so many feelings you won't know what to do with them all. The intense way this is written. The emotion,  the fear, longing. The want to make it all ok for these women. This is a story that truly did need to be told. The sad part is that it happens. It happens every day. In all towns across the globe. At the ending of this book is THE REASON FOR THIS BOOK. Read it. It's very important.

Paige and Jessica are identical twins but with very different personalities. Paige is a very serious, hard working young girl who only wants to make her family proud. She makes great grades, works hard and tries to look out for her sister. She's been designated the caretaker for some crazy reason. Maybe because she was born first and is the responsible one. She tries to always keep up with her sister and make sure she is ok. But sometimes she has to put her foot down and just go on.

Jessica is a bit flighty. A bit of a girly girl. Into boys and looks and all things girl. She doesn't make the great grades or have a job like Paige does. She's spoiled rotten and seems to know she is not expected to be the same as Paige. She is testing her sister all the time about being where they are suppose to be when they are suppose to be there. They fight like cats and dogs. Claim to hate each other, but truly they love each other unconditionally. They make pinky swears even.

One day the unthinkable happens. Jessica disappears and is not seen or heard from again. Paige is suppose to always know where her sister is but she doesn't this time. This time she left her to walk home by herself. Paige lives with this guilt. It never leaves her. She never gives up hope of finding Jess though. She will do anything to find her sister. She will do anything to help all the families find their loved ones who have gone missing. Been taken by traffickers. Sold into sex slavery. So many young girls are missing. The group that Paige works for is called CHILD.  They do everything from hotlines to group therapy. They find missing and exploited children and never give up. Even after many many years. This book takes you inside this group of wonderful people. The ups and downs from working there. The heartaches that parents go through. Family members go through. It's heartbreaking to read. You will shed many tears while reading this one but believe me each tear is worth it. 

This book takes you into the depths of the deepest sadness people feel. The unquestionable loyalties that siblings have and the heartache that is always there. The horrible guilt that follows these families and victims. The victims feel such guilt and uselessness. Quote from the book: "When victims of sex trafficking are rescued, one question that comes up time after time is the question of whether they  are still lovable. To them, the things they've done in order to survive, are unforgivable. They aren't the perfect child anymore, or even close to the child their parents remember." Now isn't that just the saddest thing ever. For a victim to believe they are unlovable, unworthy. It's so horrible. 

This book is full of twists and turns. Things that will keep you wondering, questioning. Who is Angel? Who is Drew? Who is Paige. Who is Jamie? Who is Lindsay? And just who is Detective Meri Amber and what does she really want? Can we trust any of these people? Who are the ones threatening Angel? Where are the girls? Who is behind this sex trafficking ring? Is it someone they know or a complete stranger? So many questions and all will be answered. This book takes you into the depths of everything. You'll feel every punch. Every tiny pain. Every heartache and every hope. You'll be so happy when things work out and so sad when they don't. 

 I'm thinking and hoping there will be a sequel to this story. Maybe someone else gets closure or finds their loved one. I didn't want to put this book down. I could have kept reading but for lack of sleep and needing to eat. It's that good.

I'm fortunate enough to be a part of Steena's Secret Society and got to read this book early. This is my honest review. I could say so much more but don't want to give anything away. This is Steena's very best book. It's done with some much heart and soul. You can tell she put all she had into this one. All and more. Thank you for this Steena. Thank you for trusting me with such a good book. 

5/5 HUGE stars. I recommend this book to everyone I know and more. It's so good. 


  1. Great review!!

    So glad you enjoyed it.

    It does sound good.

  2. It was such a good book. I know you would have liked this one.
    Thank you for your sweet comment.


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