Saturday, October 31, 2020



The bestselling author of Burying the Honeysuckle Girls returns to uncover a faith healer’s elusive and haunted past.

Burying the Honeysuckle Girls was my first book by Emily Carpenter and I loved it. I’ve read a few since but not until this one have I felt the same feelings I did reading Honeysuckle Girls.

This book is Dove’s story. From when she was just a young child living in Prichard Institute to her death many years later. There is so much going on in this story and I want to be very careful to not give anything away.

It’s told from two timelines. Past and present. Ruth/.Dove’s story is the past and her granddaughter, Eve’s, is the present. Ruth/Dove escaped the institute. From there she did what it took to survive. She became a nurse of sorts later for an old man and became his granddaughter, Bruna’s, best friend. They could sing and have voices like angels. They sang for evangelicals and made lots of money during the depression. The depression is not what this book is about by the way. It’s about family. Friendships. Love. Loss.

Ruth was in love with a boy, Dell. He was the love of her life actually. She didn’t get to see much of him though and eventually went on to marry a man named Charles. He was a traveling preacher. I like to think that she eventually did fall in love with him. He seemed to be a kind man to her. Ruth/Dove had a hard life in many ways but was also very lucky in other ways. She had a daughter, yet it seems she was not the best mom to her. I think Ruth/Dove tried. At least that is the feeling I got from her. I felt sorry for her when reading her part of this story. The way men treated women even in the thirties was horrible. Dove though really had a good life considering she was taken away from all the bad finally. Her and Charles Jarrod traveled. They were evangelicals and it seems they had some morals. At least some. He seemed to care about her from what was told in this story.

Eve, Ruth/Dove’s granddaughter does not like the work her grandmother did. She believes it was all fake. But her mother and brother both are big believers and she does what she has to to keep them happy and on track. After her grandmother’s death her mom decides to carry on the family business and Eve has to help. At least for a while.

There are many ups and downs in this book. Told from two different timelines you get a sense of past and present and how they will merge to solve a big mystery in Eve’s life. She goes through a whole lot to solve this mystery and takes you along with her. From her life being in peril to finding out more about her grandmother than she ever knew she keeps on going. Nothing can stop her. She helps people along the way too. Falls for a guy and I’d like to think finds her own happiness.

This is a very heartwarming, edge of your seat in parts, sad, tragic and forgiving story. One that will stick with you.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #EmilyCarpenter, #LakeUnion for this ARC. This is my own thoughts about this book.

5/5 stars and a high recommendation. If you read Burying the Honeysuckle Girls, you will love this one too.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Book Beginnings 10/30/20


Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City ReaderThe Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

My book beginnings: 


This was how she knew the end was near.

  At nighttime, after she'd gone to bed and begun the welcome voyage toward sleep, her friends would appear. They fluttered the curtains and stirred the dust, bringing with them the smell of long-ago, faraway places. 

From 56%:

Florence, Alabama


Ruth had always been a light sleeper, but with Steadfast's escapes and the ever-present hope that Dell would reappear on her windowsill, she'd gotten jumpier than Jesse James's watchdog.



1: TELL ME MY NAME by Erin Ruddy

2: LIES WE TELL OURSELVES by Steena Holmes


4: A BORROWED LIFE by Kerry Anne King

5: THE HIDING GIRL by Dorian Box

6: WE ARE ALL THE SAME IN THE DARK by Julia Heaberlin 

7: THE GIRLS IN THE SNOW by Stacy Green

8: THEY NEVER LEARN by Layne Fargo

9: BLUE STRING by Tess Thompson

10: AFTER ALL I'VE DONE by Mina Hardy

Book Blogger Hop - October 30 - November 5th


  Question of the Week:

What is your favorite candy to snack on while reading? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

My Answer:

I'm not much of a snacker. If I do eat candy it is usually taffy or English toffee. But reading I don't snack. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



"One of the year's best thrillers." —

"Dark and gritty … without peer in contemporary mysteries/thrillers." — Publishers Weekly BookLife Prize
"[A] great, suspenseful read." — Readers' Favorite Award in Suspense Fiction

This was a hard book to read. Not because it had violence in it, it did. Not because it had rape and child molestation in it, it did. But because of the language. The violence, both the rape and child molestations were not at all explicit which was good. It just let you know it happened. Not any details. But the use of the f-word was uncalled for. Also making Lucas sound so ignorant was uncalled for. I believe the author had good intentions with his part but I'm sorry she fell short. This guy was smart. Not just street smart
but smart with a computer. He had a huge heart. He had a very smart girlfriend who would not have been with someone as backwards talking as this guy was written to sound like. While this book was very good that took away from it in a big way for me. 

A child, Emily, saw her mom and sister murdered. It was a horrific thing for a twelve year old child to endure. She was not by any means a smart kid. I don't mean she was ignorant or stupid, but she was not world smart. She could sense bad in people though and she had a heart. She knew the men were bad. She knew they were up to no good. When she went on the run she really had to learn as she went. There was so much going on that was basically new to her. But she was very resilient and learned how to get things done. When she met Lucas things seemed to start looking up for her. 

Lucas was an ex gangbanger who went straight and started doing great for himself. While some of the things he did were questionable, he did what he had to to make it. When he met Emily she was a dirty kid who needed lots of help. The bond between the two grew. He would do almost anything for this child. I hated the language he used. Especially the use of the f-word. I think that was overdone so bad. 

Kiona, Lucas's girlfriend, was a strong woman. She worked as a trainer. Lucas got her to train Emily so she could learn to defend herself. But Kiona didn't like Emily. She acted like she was jealous of this twelve year old child. I didn't like that part and would have liked it much better if it would have been a case of them getting close. Kiona had a heart after all. She would or could have helped Emily in ways that Lucas couldn't. Emotionally she could have been there for her. She did finally come around a bit but good grief it took her long enough. 

I did like this book even with the things that drove me crazy about it. It was one that tugged at my heart for Emily. For her mother and little sister. It was not an overly emotional story even with all that happened. At least not for me. It was what it was. Emily needed help. She wanted to survive and wanted justice. Did she get that? I like to think she did. There is going to be a sequel to this about her after it all ended. I think I would like to read it. 

Thank you #NetGalley, #DorianBox, #FictionPress

3.5/5 stars. I recommend this one but be warned it's full of bad language.

Monday, October 26, 2020



PEOPLE PICK • The discovery of a girl abandoned by the side of the road threatens to unearth the long-buried secrets of a Texas town’s legendary cold case in this superb, atmospheric novel from the internationally bestselling author of Black-Eyed Susans.

“If you only read one thriller this year, let it be this one. Psychologically absorbing, original and atmospheric. I could not turn the pages fast enough.”—Elin Hilderbrand, #1 New York Times bestselling author of 28 Summers

This book was very interesting. It held my interest all the way through. It was a bit wordy and I felt like a lot of it could have been left out. That being said, it was a good story. I wanted to keep reading it and find out who the bad guy was. I did figure it out and that was a bit of a letdown but it happens when you read a lot of thrillers I guess. Though still it was very good. I had a couple of unanswered questions but that's ok too.

This story is told from three people's POV. Odette, Wyatt, and Angel. Most is from Odette and Angel with a little of Wyatt's words in the beginning.

Wyatt and Odette dated when they were young. Teens. When his sister, Trumanelle, goes missing things take a drastic turn for them. The same night she goes missing Odette is in a wreck and loses part of her leg. Her life is not the same ever. She grows up and becomes a cop like her late daddy. There are many secrets in this story about what happened the night Trumanelle and her daddy, Frank, went missing. Most of the town think Wyatt killed them and he's not talking. He's been silent for so many years and even though he has been treated horribly he refuses to say what happened on that fateful night.

Angel is a little girl who Wyatt found on the side of the highway. She was dehydrated and only has one eye. She couldn't or wouldn't talk. She's a mystery to Wyatt who takes her to his home to try and help her. Odette ends up helping and Angel ends up going with her. She's got a lot of secrets of her own and lives in fear of being found. She's running from something/someone and won't tell who. She's a very smart little girl, thirteen years of age but refusing to talk when all Odette wants to do is help her. You'll understand her fear as you read her story.

Wyatt is a trouble man. He's seen lots of bad things. Had lots of bad things happen to him. He won't talk about what happened the night his sister and dad went missing. He wants to protect someone. Is it himself or someone else he's really protecting. Possibly someone he loves.

This is a somewhat complex book that takes you in a few different directions. It's told from three different POVs and has four parts. The story is told in very great detail and you will find that interesting. The way this author choose her words. To me it was a bit wordy and went into to much detail but it was also a very good book. I honestly loved the storyline. From Odette to Angel. To who did what and why. It's like maybe a few stories in one yet they all intertwine to make for one long book that will keep you wanting more. You will want to know what happened on that fateful night. You will find out. You may or may not understand why this person did what they did, but it was very important to this story. Without it there would be no story.

Thank you #NetGalley, #JuliaHeaberlin, #RandomHousePublishing for this ARC. My own words and thoughts of this book.

I gave it 4/5 stars. I do highly recommend you read this one. It is very good.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

It's Monday! What are you reading? 10/26/20


I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
What I read this past week:

1: THE GIRLS IN THE SNOW by Stacy Green
Review posted October 20th

2: AFTER ALL I'VE DONE by Mina Hardy
Review posted October 22nd

3: WE ARE ALL THE SAME IN THE DARK by Julia Heaberlin
Review on blog

CONFESSIONS ON THE 7:45 by Lisa Unger
Review to follow

Review to follow

 THE LONGSHOT by Lauren Clark
Review to follow

 MY ONLY CHILD by Sam Vickery
Review to follow


 TO TELL THE TRUTH by Gilly Macmillan

 A FRENZY OF SPARKS by Kristin Fields


 LOSS LAKE by Amber Cowie

 THE PUSH by Claire McGowan



Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.
Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.

I had an AMAZING mailbox!!

October 19th I received:

1: THE ARCTIC FURY by Greer Macallister
Courtesy of NetGalley & Sourcebooks Landmark

October 20th I received

2: DARK FALLS by Gregg Olsen
Courtesy of NetGalley & Bookouture

3: CHRISTMAS RINGS by Tess Thompson
Courtesy of the author

October 21st

    4: A LIFE WITHOUT REGRETS by Marci Bolden
Courtesy of NetGalley/book funnel/Author

5: THE FIXER UPPER by Lauren Clark
Courtesy of author

October 23rd 

Courtesy of NetGalley & St Martin's Press

7: DARKNESS PEERING by Alice Blanchard
It was free on Amazon. I couldn't say no! 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Book Blogger Hop - 10/23 - 10/29


Question of the Week:

If you go trick-or-treating with your favorite book character, who would it be? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My Answer:

This is a hard one. Maybe one of Stephen King's characters. Not a really bad one but one of the nicer ones. Maybe Mother Abigail from THE STAND. She would have a lot of good stories to tell!!

Thursday, October 22, 2020



This was my first book by this author and I truly did enjoy it. It was very fast paced and full of many twists. The only problem I had was that I figured out who the bad person was. I do that but always hate it. It takes away a bit. Though I have to admit there were some parts that floored me. 

Quotes from this book: 
1) The accident didn't kill me, but I'm not sure how I'm going to survive it.
2) "My best friend is sleeping with my husband."
3) "Infidelity does not have to be the end of a marriage." Dr Levitt says this solemnly. I frown. "Maybe not, but it sure is the end of a friendship."
4) Letting someone die is not the same as killing him.

This is a very crazy book. I mean that in a good way but still crazy. It's filled with lots of crazy things, twists, turns and people. I actually did not connect with any of the characters. I wanted to but they were all a bit selfish and even though some were suppose to be the best of friends they sure were selfish. 

Diana and Valerie have been best friends since fourth grade. They are as close as sisters and made a vow to always be there for each other over anyone else. No one would ever come between them. Yet it seems that somehow someone did. Diana's husband, Jonathan. Valerie was not suppose to fall in love with him. Yet she did. 
I didn't like Diana or Valerie. Both were very selfish. Both were very self centered and seemed to only care about themselves. They did care about each other so that was something. Until they didn't. 

Harriet, Jonathan's mother, what a piece of work. She was  suppose to be Diana's friend even though she was also her mother in law. She did after all make it easy for her son and Diana to fall in love and get married. But she had a few secrets of her own. Wait until you find out what they are. They will make your blood run cold. 

Jonathan, Diana's husband is also a very selfish person. He's a controlling, secretive person who thinks all things revolve around him. He's a liar, a cheat, a manipulative, coward. I didn't like him at all. He lies at the drop of a hat. He has some secrets of his own. Yet it seems someone knows them. What will become of his perfect little world when all if found out. When he finally has to face the truth?

Cole, I really wanted to like him. He seemed so nice and caring. He seemed to be a lot of things. But in the end I'm afraid I only found him to be a liar also. Maybe if he would have been honest from the start things could have been different. Maybe things could have worked. Or not.

This was honestly a very fast paced story that kept me turning the pages and wanting to find out more. It had lots of things going on. Told from Diana, Val and Cole's POV. Each with their own agenda. I have to say that the very ending of this book left me a bit baffled. Unless I missed one tiny thing. Maybe I will go back and reread that last chapter. It will hold your attention for sure. You will want to find out what exactly is going on and who did what to whom and who is the worst of these people. At least I did.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #MinaHardy, #CrookedLaneBooks, #AfterAllI'veDone for this ARC. This is my review in my own words.

4/5 stars and I do recommend it. It's so worth reading.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



Another great by the author of THE DELTA CROSSROADS TRILOGY, Stacy Green. It's been a few years since I read a book by this author but I won't wait so long again. This book was a page turner. A real edge of your seat thriller. 

A single decision had altered the course of Nikki's life. She'd snuck out after her parents had gone to bed, longing to see John. She'd hopped into his waiting car without a shred of guilt, unaware she'd seen her parents for the last time. If she'd just stayed home, she knew they'd still be here. 

Nikki was only sixteen years old when her world was turned upside down. Nothing would ever be ok again. She couldn't wait to get out of Stillwater and leave the past behind. All the horrific things that had happened there. The brutal murder of her parents. The subsequent trial and conviction of the boy who had killed them. Now twenty years later she's back. Investigating the murder of two fifteen year old girls. She'd been working the Frost murders and thought these two might have been his work. Frost has killed five women and this was not his work. These young girls were murdered by someone local.

This is one very good thriller. The twists and turns will leave you wanting much more. Many more answers. It's almost like two different stories going on at once that will ultimately be tied together. One man started a chain reaction that will not stop until he is caught.  Who killed Madison and Kaylee. Best friends and both dead. Who killed Nikki's parents all those years ago. All will be answered. Things will come to light that will make your skin crawl. Some pretty dark things. If you think someone is innocent think again. They might be the person you will eventually hate. The one who caused so much pain. Did an innocent man go to prison or is he really guilty? 

This is such a good book. It leaves no stone unturned. No loose ends. It's all tied up and leaves you ready for another Nikki Hunt? She is definitely one tough FBI agent who has worked hard to get where she is. Don't mess with her. She's very good at her job.

Thank you #NetGalley, #StacyGreen, #Bookouture for this ARC. This is my own review.

5/5 stars and a very high recommendation.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

It's Monday! What are you reading? 10/19/20


I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
What I read this past week:

1: TELL ME MY NAME by Erin Ruddy
Review on my blog

Review on blog

Review on blog 

Review to follow

CONFESSIONS ON THE 7:45 by Lisa Unger


AFTER ALL I'VE DONE by Mina Hardy 


 THE LONGSHOT by Lauren Clark

 MY ONLY CHILD by Sam Vickery


12: TO TELL THE TRUTH by Gilly Macmillan

13: A FRENZY OF SPARKS by Kristin Fields

14: THE STRANGER IN MY BED by Karen King

15: LOSS LAKE by Amber Cowie

16: THE PUSH by Claire McGowan

Hiding In Plain View by Marcel Clarke

  Synopsis Hiding in Plain View is a gripping tale of resilience, redemption, and self-discovery. Entrepreneur, community advocate, and You...