Friday, September 18, 2020

FOR THE BEST by Vanessa Lillie


I tried hard to like this book but it just didn't do it for me. It had such promise too. I didn't like the way the vlog parts went especially. It's just hard for me to imagine that. I'm in the minority with my review but I had to be honest...

The main character, Jules, was just not likable at all to me. She was a drunk and didn't want to take responsibility for anything she did. She had a good life it seemed. An adorable son and husband who loved her dearly. She had parents, though I can't say I liked her dad at all either. He came across as crass and in denial. 

Juliet was drunk and possibly involved with a murder. The murder of a good friend. But she can't seem to remember anything from that night. Blackout. Her mom wants her to see a therapist who can help her with remembering. The problem I have here is she remembered instantly. I just find that one hard to conceive. It could happen I suppose but it was just not believable to me. 

This book starts out good. It seems like it has a strong subject matter that will keep me turning pages. It lost me however when the author started adding the vlog posts. If it would have just been written differently it may have held my interest. I've read one other book that did this and found it to be one that I could not connect to either. 

I liked the premise of this book. The thriller part. I didn't like Jules, her dad, or anyone else except her husband and child. It was hard to connect and thus hard to read. I found myself skimming past the parts that didn't hold my interest and that is a huge NO for me.

Thank you #NetGalley, #VanessaLille, #Thomas&Mercer for this ARC. This is my own thoughts on this book

Only a 2/3 stars for me and I can't recommend this one. Sorry. 

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