Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



This book moved very slowly for me. I tried very hard to love it like others do but it seemed to fall a bit short for me. The one thing that I dislike so much about books is transcripts between chapters and this one had them. They play an important role in the story but still, I don't like reading them. I would rather they just be in the book like the rest of the story. Not a conversation between the DI and person of interest. That said, this book was not as good to me as I had hoped it would be.

We have Laura, Mia, Jane and Jane's husband Harry. Laura went on maternity leave and had hired Mia to be a temp until she returned. But when she returned Mia was still working and was hired full time. Given a job that belonged to Laura too. A huge account and it left Laura a bit upset. It would have anyone. 

Jane gave up her career for her husband. Moved and became a full time wife and mum. She's a bit resentful towards Harry. She has a lot of secrets that will come to light. 

Mia, conniving, Mia. Who is she and what exactly does she want? Why did she take this job in the first place. I didn't like her and rightfully so it seems. Actually it was hard to like any of these characters. They were selfish in many ways, except when things were done that needed to be done for a very good reason. You will have to read this one to find that out though. I won't give anything away.

There's a fire at Morris and Wood. Someone is in the building. You will be trying to figure out who started this fire and why. What motive did they have and was murder at the top of their list? You'll hear from several people about what led up to this night. Different POVs and timelines. Transcripts from employees as taken by the DI. You'll think you figured out who did it and you may. I won't say it's impossible because it's not.

This story would have been such a good one if not for the transcripts that I personally hate to see in books. I know it's most likely just me and others love it. I won't in any way say don't read this one because you may love it where I didn't. It definitely was not the worse book I've read but it was by far not the best. It was just ok! 

Thank you to #NetGalley, #HeidiPerks, #GalleryBooks for this arc. These are my own true thoughts.

I give it a 3/5 stars and recommend you read it for yourself and decide what you think. I will read more by this author. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

It's Monday! What are you reading?


I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
This past week I finished some very good books:

1: EVERY NOW AND THEN by Lesley Kagen
Review on my blog

2: PLAYING NICE by JP Delaney 
Review on my blog

Reading these over the next couple weeks!
Review after reading

4: A BORROWED LIFE by Kerry Anne King
Review after reading

5: BLUE STRING by Tess Thompson
Review to follow

Review to follow

7: THEY NEVER LEARN by Layne Fargo
Review to follow

8: THE GIRLS IN THE SNOW by Stacy Green
Review to follow

9: WE ARE ALL THE SAME IN THE DARK by Julia Heaberlin
Review to follow

10: AFTER ALL I'VE DONE by Mina Hardy
Review to follow

Review to follow

Mailbox Monday! 9-28-20


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.
Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.

I had an AMAZING mailbox!!
Received September 22nd
1: MY ONLY CHILD by Sam Vickery
Courtesy of NetGalley & Bookouture

2: THE CHILDREN'S TRAIN by Viola Ardone
Courtesy of NetGalley & HarperVia

Courtesy of NetGalley & Gallery Books

Received September 24th
4: PROMISE ME, DAD by Joe Biden
Book mail. Best kind of mail.

Received September 25th
5: THE CHILDREN'S TRAIN by Viola Ardone, translated by  
Courtesy of NetGalley and Random House/Ballentine Delacorte Press

I was gifted a copy of Karen McQuestion's wonderful book also.
Don't you love this cover! Review is on my blog, please take a look and follow. 

Friday, September 25, 2020



What if you found out that your family isn’t yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before. . . .

This book was dreadfully slow starting. I mean it took a bit over halfway to get me wanting more. I see where a lot of the first part was necessary but good grief. It just dragged on and on for too long. I also did not like the parts where the emails, letters from lawyers, and I think it was a facebook page for the one dad, were told. It was dribble for me. I just don't like that in books that I read. Make it part of the story between the people not in tiny print and supposed text between them. It is just boring to me.

That being said this book was a good story. Once it picks up it is great. The story is one that will keep you wanting to know what is happening and why. Who switched these babies and why. Was one of the parents responsible or was it truly an accident that just happened during the ride from the private hospital to the NICU. What these parents went through was horrible for sure. One set of parents were more likable than the other. Or maybe it was one dad was more likable as I didn't truly care for his mate. Pete was a good man. He loved Theo and did everything for him. His mate, Maddie, while she did love Theo, was hard to like. She seemed to be repulsed by their son from the start. Once he was born and was not carried to term and looked odd because of how early he was it seems he made her sick. She was also way to jealous of the other women around Pete. Nurses and all. They thought Pete was a great dad, as did I, yet she was very nitpicky about it. She seemed to find fault is so many things concerning Pete. Considering some things she did behind Pete's back she should count her lucky stars that she had a mate that loved her and the boy that much.

Then we have Miles and Lucy, who were a bit unlikable all the way around. Mainly it was Miles. He started being a jerk way before we even found out what was going on. He comes across as a very arrogant person who can't stand it if things don't go his way. No matter what happened or was said it was his way or he pouted like a jerk. He did not seem to care at all about David, the boy who they are raising as their own child. It seems like Lucy may be a bit human but is under Miles's thumb and does what he says when he says. 

This book is good in the sense that it is a story that will keep you turning pages and wanting to know what happens and why. But I didn't like the parts between when as I already explained where email, letters from lawyers, etc. It just didn't do it for me. This book had great promise though and is a good story for the most part. I'm sure most will love it. It was just not one of my favorites. 

Thank you #NetGalley, #JPDelaney, #RandomHouse,Ballantine for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

I give it only 3/5 stars and do recommend you read it for yourself. We each tend to like different things.

Book blogger hop!! September 25th - Oct. 1st


 Question of the Week: 

Do you have a pet peeve about books? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

My Answer

Someone giving away things in a book I'm reading or going to read. Spoilers! I hate that!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My reading list!


This is the list of books I'll read for review over the next week to week and a half. Some pretty good ones I believe!!

Monday, September 21, 2020

EVERY NOW AND THEN by Lesley Kagen


This is my first book by Lesley Kagen but will not be my last.

This is such a good book. It's a very cute quick read with a lot of intense things going on also. It starts out with Elizabeth Buchanan telling a story about her and her two best friends. The setting is the summer of 1960 and these three girls are eleven years old. Just old enough to be kids and be finding themselves. Their innocence is so sweet in this book. Some of the things they say made me laugh so hard. They are three different girls who are always there for each other no matter what. They call themselves the "tree musketeers." Not a mistype either. 

Elizabeth/Biz, Francis/Frankie and Vivian/Viv, are three great young girls who enjoy this summer to the fullest. They love going to watch scary movies at the Rivoli Theatre. They are on the edge of growing up and experience so many things this crazy summer. Some not so great but most was. They started visiting outside a mental hospital because, well in my opinion, they were just nosey and wanted to see what was going on. But they quickly became friends with some of the not so ill patience. It was just part of what they did that summer. Until something happened and they had to stop. 

This is a story that will definitely make you see how fast time flies also. These youngsters were the very best of friends and stayed so all their lives. Even after they graduated and went on to different colleges and became individuals. They had a bond that drew them all back together to grow old together. To look back on that summer and some other times. To just be there for each other. 

This is a very lighthearted book with some intense parts that will keep you turning the pages. The characters are so well loved. From Aunt Jane May to Doc to the sheriff. There’s  so so many characters you will love that I can't possibly begin to name them all. You will get to know then though and they will worm their way into your heart as they did mine. From the patience at the mental hospital to the relatives of these young girls. Each has a place that fits so well. This story will bring out a lot of emotions. From laughter, big belly laughs, too many tears. From realizing how fast time does fly by too enjoying the time you have now. Time.. It does go by so quickly. One day you are an innocent child, then you are looking back on your life talking about the things you use to get into. These three girls sure did. 

The way the author made everything fall together in this book was great. It had no abrupt ending that left you wondering. Everything was cleared up. What happened to each person was there. I liked that so much. A lot of books leave me wondering. Not this one though. It was tied up without any doubts as to where each girl landed. Great job Ms Kagen.

Thank you #NetGalley, #LesleyKagen, #AlcovePress for this ARC. This is my own honest review.

I gave it a huge 5/5 stars and a very high recommendation. Great story.

New Lauren Clark books..


Sunday, September 20, 2020

It's Monday! What are you reading? 9/21/20

I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
This past week I finished some very good books:
1: DON'T LOOK FOR ME by Wendy Walker
Review on my blog. Excellent book!

Reading this week:
2: WHEN I WAS YOU by Amber Garza 
Review will follow

3: PLAYING NICE by JP Delaney
Review to follow

4: EVERY NOW AND THEN by Lesley Kagen
Currently reading. Review 9/21/20

Mailbox Monday! 9/21/20

Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.
Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.

I had an AMAZING mailbox!!
Received on September 16th
1: POSSESSION by Katie Lowe
Courtesy of NetGalley and St Martin's Press

EVERY WAKING HOUR by Joanna Schaffhausen
Courtesy of NetGalley and Lake Union Publishers

Received September 17th

3: UNTIL WE ARE LOST by Leslie Archer
Courtesy of NetGalley and St Martin's Press

4: EVERYWHERE TO HIDE by Siri Mitchell
Courtesy of NetGalley and Thomas Nelson

Received September 18th

4: THE GIRLS ARE ALL SO NICE HERE by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn 
Courtesy of NetGalley and Simon & Schuster

I received these from the mail September 19th
Both sound good. Very different though. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

FOR THE BEST by Vanessa Lillie


I tried hard to like this book but it just didn't do it for me. It had such promise too. I didn't like the way the vlog parts went especially. It's just hard for me to imagine that. I'm in the minority with my review but I had to be honest...

The main character, Jules, was just not likable at all to me. She was a drunk and didn't want to take responsibility for anything she did. She had a good life it seemed. An adorable son and husband who loved her dearly. She had parents, though I can't say I liked her dad at all either. He came across as crass and in denial. 

Juliet was drunk and possibly involved with a murder. The murder of a good friend. But she can't seem to remember anything from that night. Blackout. Her mom wants her to see a therapist who can help her with remembering. The problem I have here is she remembered instantly. I just find that one hard to conceive. It could happen I suppose but it was just not believable to me. 

This book starts out good. It seems like it has a strong subject matter that will keep me turning pages. It lost me however when the author started adding the vlog posts. If it would have just been written differently it may have held my interest. I've read one other book that did this and found it to be one that I could not connect to either. 

I liked the premise of this book. The thriller part. I didn't like Jules, her dad, or anyone else except her husband and child. It was hard to connect and thus hard to read. I found myself skimming past the parts that didn't hold my interest and that is a huge NO for me.

Thank you #NetGalley, #VanessaLille, #Thomas&Mercer for this ARC. This is my own thoughts on this book

Only a 2/3 stars for me and I can't recommend this one. Sorry. 

Book Blogger Hop - 9/18 - 9/24


Question of the Week: 

What draws you in more: the book's title, the book's cover, or the summary on the back cover? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

My Answer: Most definitely the cover first. Then I usually notice the title and read the synopsis.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

DON’T LOOK FOR ME by Wendy Walker


To me this book was like taking a hike on a steep mountain that is very new to you. You walk briskly and take each twist and turn with careful steps. You watch out for anything and everything. So many things that are there in your way. Possibly it will never end. Just when you think it will go straight another huge curve is thrown at you. The twists are plenty. You are so out of breath by the time you finish you are not sure it really happened. But it did...

A few excerpts from the story: 

Please let me go. Let me walk away. I feel the words in my head like a prayer. Please, they whisper. Don't look for me.

My beloved family, I am so very sorry. I couldn't make it home, and they I thought maybe you are better off without me. 

But for now, for right now, as she drove away, there was just one thought. I'm not going home. Not without my mother.

And when a series of actions come together to create a tragedy, that's what it's called-an accident.

It never goes away. God, help me. It never leaves. I'm sorry, John, for falling off the scale. For being unworthy of you.

I feel it. The truth. The fight is coming.

This is the story of a mother. A mother and daughter. The things that happen between them. The things they will do for each other. What they each will sacrifice for the other. The fights between them. The sorry that drives a wedge between them. Then what they each do for the other. One to find the other and one to keep the other out of harms way. Mothers will do anything for their daughters. Most will. Even give up their own lives.

Molly goes to hell and back in this book. She's a mother and a wife. She loves her children more than life. She has three children and no one can say any different. One died. One died at Molly's hands. She ran over her own daughter. Now her life will never be the same. She doesn't believe she deserves any kind of happiness. She needs to pay for what she did.

Nicole/Nik, Molly's oldest daughter, has guilt of her own. She lives in a life of degrading herself with vodka and men. Once an ace student on her way to bigger and better things. Then the accident that caused her sister's death. Nicole blames herself. If she would have been different maybe Annie would still be alive. Maybe her mother would not have run over her. If only. Now Nicole drowns herself in vodka and sleeps with men she doesn't know. Trying to fill that void. 

On a stormy night on a deserted highway Molly runs out of gas. Her nightmare is just beginning. She thinks it's best for everyone if she just walks away and they never see her again. She has no idea what that thinking is going to do to the ones she is leaving behind. Her husband, her son and her oldest daughter. Each has done some pretty awful things to Molly since that awful day. Each has turned their back on her in every way possible. Her mind can't take it anymore. The loss of a child broke her. 

This story is going to take you into what happened to Molly. To who took her and why. To a child that needs a mother and a man who is totally insane. There are many characters in this story and each is likable. Each one seems to have a reason or chance to have taken Molly. But only one does. You may figure out who but you will never see each twist that comes. Each turn. Each reason for what is happening. What does Molly's daughter have to do with any of it. Nicole never believed her mother just walked away. She knew how much she had hurt her mom and also knew how much her mom loved each of them. She didn't just walk away. Nicole made it her mission to find her mother. She made a promise to her brother, Evan, that she would not stop until she found their mother. 

So many twists and turns that your head will spin. But it's easy to follow also. This is one of the best, if not the best, thrillers I have read. EVER! I did not see many things coming. Many of the things that happen near the end will leave you holding your breath for sure. The depths that a mother will go to protect her daughter and that a daughter will go to find her mother. That love is so strong. Unbreakable. Perfect.

Thank you #NetGalley, #WendyWalker, #StMartin'sPress for this arc. This is my own true review.

5/5 stars and a very high recommendation to all!

Sunday, September 13, 2020



I absolutely adored this book. The second in the By The Sea series set in beautiful Maui. The first book was great and this one is even better. 

The characters will get in your heart and make you feel what they feel. They have so many ups and downs. Family is what it’s all about in the end though. Finding safety and staying close to those you love. Being there for each other through everything. From the sunny beautiful descriptions to the people you will love to get close too. This book is so good. 

Maggie and Quinn are best friends and this is the continuation of what is happening with them. Maggie is trying to find her place. A safe place away from the things that haunt her. The things that she’s so afraid of. But what will she do when that past comes to Hawaii? Will she be able to get through it? She knows Quinn is always there and has her back. She’s not only afraid for herself and her family but for her son. Quinn has some deep secrets of her own though and is trying to protect someone. Between her and Maggie this book will keep you wondering how things will turn out. Will things work out for them both or will one fall short? Let’s not forget Woodrow, Maggie’s service dog. He’s the best. He will definitely steal your heart. Also Charlie, Maggie’s son. He’s a mess for sure. Always a big entertainment for others, especially Quinn. There is a big family in this story. Both related by blood and by the heart. Sometimes the heart is stronger than blood. But not always.

This book will pull you in and take you places. It won’t let go until the very last word then you will want more. This book has many emotions at play. From a few laughs to some intense fears. From meeting some pretty cool animals to a veterinarian who loves practical jokes. Will Maggie and Quinn make it through this storm? Will everything turn out ok? This is a very well written book that definitely makes you feel like you are right there at every turn. You will have a trip to Hawaii that you won’t be forgetting for a while. The beauty is captured in this wonderful book. All the descriptions make you feel like you are right there. On the beach. Under the waterfalls. In the lobby of Quinn’s Inn. It’s a beautiful story and I can’t wait for the next one.

Thank you #NetGalley, #LakeUnionPublishing, #KayBratt for this ARC. These are my own words and do not truly do this book justice.

A huge 5/5 stars and a high recommendation.. Enjoy your trip to Maui, Hawaii!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?? 9-14-20


I hope you had a great reading week.
This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOK DATE

Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
This past week I finished some very good books:
1: THE MOONLIGHT CHILD by Karen McQuestion.. It was the best book I've read this year. Excellent 5/5 stars
Review on my blog

Also an excellent one
Review on blog

Reads for this week:

3: NO PLACE TO FAR by Kay Bratt
Currently reading

4: DON'T LOOK FOR ME by Wendy Walker

5: THEIR SILENT GRAVES by Carla Kovach

Hiding In Plain View by Marcel Clarke

  Synopsis Hiding in Plain View is a gripping tale of resilience, redemption, and self-discovery. Entrepreneur, community advocate, and You...