Monday, April 19, 2021

Mailbox Monday!


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.

Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.

I received one book this week: 
1: THE WITNESS by Terry Lynn Thomas
Courtesy of HQ via NetGalley 


  1. I read the synopsis of your new book - yikes! What a scenario!

    1. I liked her last book very much. I believe this is only her second one to write.
      Thanks and have a nice week!

  2. Pretty it suspense?

    Enjoy your week and your books, Linda.

    1. I like the cover also.
      Yes it is a bit suspenseful and even a touch on the thriller side I think. Her first book was great.
      Have a great week!

  3. This sounds like a good thriller. Enjoy!

    1. I loved her first book, The Betrayal, so wanted to read this one too.
      I started it last night kind of late and read about 20%. So far it's very good too.
      Thank you for stopping by..


Gothictown by Emily Carpenter

  My thoughts This was a wonderful book. Emily Carpenter has done a great job of pulling me in and making my day. This is such a good book. ...