Wednesday, March 31, 2021

THE LAST ONE HOME by Victoria Helen Stone


A razor-sharp novel of suspense about the lies families tell—and those we choose to believe—by the Amazon Charts bestselling author of Jane Doe.

Lauren Abrams wants nothing to do with her damaged mother, whose spurious testimony sent Lauren’s father to prison for murder years ago. After a serial killer’s confession to the crime restored justice, Lauren chose to live with her father and grandmother. Now an adult, Lauren has come home to the Sacramento family estate for good, her mother’s lies be damned…

It’s been decades since Donna made her cheating boyfriend pay, but she hasn’t forgotten the past. She knows her estranged daughter has made a terrible mistake by returning to the estate. There’s more to the story of the welcoming old homestead—and her childhood—than Lauren knows.

As Lauren settles in, she is haunted by the questions of what really happened with her father, what her mother might be hiding, and what secrets the family ranch holds. It’s getting so dark, Lauren may not be able to see the truth to save her life.


This was my first Victoria Helen Stone book and won't be my last. I really enjoyed this one so much. It was a fast paced page turner from start to dramatic finish. I was not disappointed at all.

This book is much more than it appears to be. It's a Women's Fiction and a Thriller too. Lots of twists along the way. About a twisted family. But who is truly the twisted person. Or persons. 

This is told from two different POVs and two time periods. Donna and Lauren. Donna is Lauren's mother and they have a lot of baggage to clear out. A lot of things that happened between them. Will they find their way to have a relationship. A mother daughter relationship. Can Lauren ever trust her mother. Will she find out what really happened all those years ago. Was Donna being truthful or was she a vengeful, hurt, spurned, woman. 

This book has a lot of action. A lot of things that will make you want to know what happened. From the time Donna met Michael until many years later when things really started to fall into place. Michael was a married man and professed his love to Donna. He kept making so many promises. Donna met Michael's mother and thought she may finally have found a family. A family she longed for. Could it finally happen. Was Elizabeth Abrams the woman Donna thought she was. Or was she the type who thought her son could do no wrong. Was she just in it for the grandchild. 

This story will have you guessing about things until the very end when all comes out. When all the pieces finally fall into place. When Lauren finally finds out whether or not her daddy is a killer or if her mother really did lie so many years ago. You'll find that living way out in the middle of nowhere is not always what it's cracked up to be. Being a young woman totally dependent on someone else is possibly dangerous. But for who???

This book took me by surprise. I truly thought it was going to be another of those that I figured out. I was surprised in a few places. While I did guess some most was shocking. It's a very good book. A very well written story. All the loose ends are tied up and nothing will leave you hanging. All your questions will be answered. All will be revealed. 

Thank you to #NetGalley, #VictoriaHelenStone, #LakeUnionPublishing for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

5/5 stars and a big recommendation to all. I really was very happy with this book. 

March reads!


Barbara Linn Probst
J T Ellison
Tess Thompson
Jess Montgomery
Lisa Scottoline
Jessica Strawser
Kay Bratt
Carola Lovering
Viola Ardone
Sonja Yoerg
Ellie Midwood
I will be posting one more book review later today... THE LAST ONE HOME by Victoria Helen Stone!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

HER DARK LIES by J.T. Ellison, Blog Tour!



Beginnings and Endings

She is going to die tonight.

The white dress, long and filmy, hampers her effort to run. The hem catches on a branch; a large rend in the fabric slashes open, exposing her leg. A deep cut blooms red along her thigh, and the blood runs down her calf. Her hair has come loose from its braid, flies unbound behind her like gossamer wings.

In her panic, she barely notices the pain.

The path ahead is marked by towering cypress and laurel, verdant and lush. A gray stone waist-high wall is all that stands between her and the cliffside. It is cool inside this miniature forest; the sky is blotted out by the purple-throated wisteria that drapes across and between the trees. Someone, years ago, built an archway along the arbor. The arch’s skeleton has long since rotted away and the flowers droop into the path, clinging trails and vines that brush against her head and shoulders. It should be beautiful; instead it feels oppressive, as if the vines might animate, twist and curl around her neck and strangle her to death.

She tries not to look down to the frothing water roiling against the rocks at the cliff’s base. She thinks the ruins are to her right. From what she remembers, they are between the church and the artists’ colony, the four cottages cowering on the hillside, empty and waiting.

A horn shrieks, and she realizes the ferry is pulling away. A crack of lightning, and she sees the silhouette of the captain in the pilothouse, looking out to the turbulent seas ahead. A gamble that he makes it before the storm is upon them.

Don’t panic. Don’t panic.

Where is the church?

There it is, a flash of white through the trees. The stuccoed walls loom, the bell tower hidden behind the overgrown foliage. Now the path is moving upward, the grade increasing. She feels it in her calves and hopes again she is going the right way. The Villa is on the hill, on the northwest promontory of the island. If she can reach its doors, she will be safe.

It is too quiet. There are no birds, no creatures, no buzzing or cries, just her ragged, heavy breath and the scree shuffling underfoot as she climbs. The furious roar of the water smashing its frustration against the rocks rises from her left, echoing against the cliffside.

The dogs begin to howl.

Climb. Climb. Keep going.

She must get to the Villa. There she can call for help. Lock herself inside. Maybe find a weapon.

A branch snaps and she halts, breathless.

Someone is coming.

She startles like a deer, now heedless of the noise she’s making. Fighting back a whimper of fear, she breaks free of the cloistered path to see an old decrepit staircase cut into the stone. Careful, she must be cautious, there are gaps where some steps are missing, and the rest are mossy with disuse, but hurry, hurry. Get away.

She winds up the steps, clinging to the rock face, until she bursts free into a sea of scrubby pines. Two sculptures, Janus twins, flank a slate-dark path into a labyrinth of rhododendron and azalea.

This isn’t right. Where is she?

A hard breeze disrupts the trees around her, and a rumble of thunder like a thousand drums rolls across her body. Lightning flashes and she sees the Villa in the distance. So far away. On the other side of the labyrinth. The other side of the hill.

She’s gone the wrong way.

A droplet of water hits her arm, then her forehead. Dread bubbles through her.

She is too late. The storm is upon her.

The howls of the dogs draw closer. The wind whistles hard and sharp, buffeting her against the stone wall. She can’t move, deep fear cementing her feet. Rain makes the gauzy dress cling to the curves of her body, and the blood on her thigh washes to the ground. None of it matters. She cannot escape.

When he comes, at last, sauntering through the storm, the barking beasts leaping and growling beside him, she is crying, clinging to the wall, the lightning illuminating the ruins; the ancient stones and stark, headless statues the only witness to her death.

She goes over the wall with a thunder-drowned scream, the jagged rocks below her final companions.

Her Dark Lies

J.T. Ellison

On Sale Date: March 9, 2021

9780778388302, 0778388301

Trade Paperback

$16.99 USD, $21.99 CAD

Fiction / Thrillers / Domestic

416 pages

About the Book:

Fast-paced and brilliantly unpredictable, J.T. Ellison’s breathtaking new novel invites you to a wedding none will forget—and some won’t survive.
Jutting from sparkling turquoise waters off the Italian coast, Isle Isola is an idyllic setting for a wedding. In the majestic cliff-top villa owned by the wealthy Compton family, up-and-coming artist Claire Hunter will marry handsome, charming Jack Compton, surrounded by close family, intimate friends…and a host of dark secrets.
From the moment Claire sets foot on the island, something seems amiss. Skeletal remains have just been found. There are other, newer disturbances, too. Menacing texts. A ruined wedding dress. And one troubling shadow hanging over Claire’s otherwise blissful relationship—the strange mystery surrounding Jack’s first wife.
Then a raging storm descends, the power goes out—and the real terror begins…

About the Author:

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of the literary show A WORD ON WORDS. With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim, prestigious awards, and has been published in 28 countries. She lives in Nashville with her husband and twin kittens.

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My thoughts: 

This book starts out with a bang and continues until the very end. You won't know who is the bad guy/girl and who is innocent. The problem is.... you can't believe anyone. Everyone is lying about something. So many hidden truths. So much is happening. But it's easy to follow if you love a good thriller. If you are use to reading thrillers that keep you going and on the edge then you will enjoy this one for sure. Even though I figured out a few things, mainly the who was doing it, it was still an excellent book. 

Claire and Jack both have so many secrets. Will they ever be able to come clean with each other and have the kind of life they want. Will family secrets pull them apart or make them even closer? With people dying or getting hurt all around them. With the wedding being sabotaged over and over. With all that is going on, will this couple ever find the happiness they want. Will they be together or go their separate ways. Who is behind all the horrors that are happening on this Italian island. Who can be trusted. How many skeletons are there and haw many more will there be. 

Who hates Claire so much that they are willing to go to such depths to see her punished. Or unhappy. Or possibly dead. Who hates Jack the same. Could it be one of them or some other sinister person who wants revenge. Will Claire ever forgive herself for things that happened when she was such a young girl. It seems you can't trust anyone. Not even a sister. Or a brother. 

This book certainly does have a lot going on. A lot of twists and turns. A lot of dying and attempted murder. A lot of things happening to stop a wedding. A lot of revenge. But through it all the most important is.... family. We protect family first and foremost. No matter what!

Thank you to #NetGalley, #Harlequin, #JTEllison for this ARC. This is my own true feelings about this book!

5/5 huge stars. I highly recommend this one. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Mailbox Monday!


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.

Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.
I had a great mailbox!
1: WHEN I LAST SAW YOU by Bette Lee Crosby 
Courtesy of Book Funnel via Bette Lee Crosby
2: LIE BESIDE ME by Gytha Lodge
Courtesy of Random House via NetGalley
3: WHERE I LEFT HER by Amber Garza
Courtesy of Harlequin via NetGalley
Courtesy of Berkley via NetGalley
5: THE BALLERINAS by Rachel Kapelke-D
Courtesy of St Martin's Press via NetGalley

It's Monday! What are you reading?


I hope you had a great reading week.

This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOKDATE
Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.

What I read: 
1: THE SOUND BETWEEN THE NOTES by Barbara Linn Probst
Reviewed March 23rd 
2: INTO THE BLUE by Kay Bratt
Reviewed March 25th 
3: HER DARK LIES by J.T. Ellison
Review will be April 2nd 
What I will be reading:
1: THE LAST ONE HOME by Victoria Helen Stone
2: THE DROWNING KIND by Jennifer McMahon 
3: HER LAST CHANCE by Alison Ragsdale 

5: MARGREETE'S HARBOR by Eleanor Morse
6: JUST MY LUCK by Adele Parks 
8: EVERY LAST FEAR by Alex Finlay
9: THE GOOD SISTER by Sally Hepworth 
10: THE CHILDREN'S BLIZZARD by Melanie Benjamin 
12: WHEN I SAW YOU LAST by Bette Lee Crosby 
14: A DARK SECRET PLACE by Jen Williams 
15: SIX WEEKS TO LIVE by Catherine McKenzie 
16: LOCAL WOMAN MISSING by Mary Kubica 
17: IT HAD TO BE YOU by Georgia Clark 
18: WILL YOU REMEMBER ME by Hannah Mary McKinnon 
19: THE PHOTOGRAPHER by Mary Dixie Carter 
20: THE WARSAW ORPHAN by Kelly Rimmer 
21: THE PLOT by Jean Hanff Korelitz 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Week in reading! What I read and what I will be reading!


Busy reading week! 

1: The Sound Between the Notes by Barbara Linn Probst. Reviewed March 23rd
2: Into the Blue by Kay Bratt
Reviewed March 25th
3: Her Dark Lies by J T Ellison
Review will be March 28th or 29th

Plan to read!
1: The Last One Home by Victoria Helen Stone
2: The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon
3: Her Last Chance by Alison Ragsdale

Friday, March 26, 2021

Book Blogger Hop!


Question of the Week:

Q:What creative places do you keep books other than your bookshelves (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

A: I'm not creative about this at all. I use to be though. Now I have books on dressers. On the arm of the couch. On the nightstand. Anywhere I can put them if no place on my bookcase. I'm actually requesting a new bookcase for Mother's Day! 

Book Beginnings Friday and Friday's 56%


Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader

The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice

Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

My Book Beginning: 

Beginnings and Endings
She is going to die tonight.

My 56%:

"Thanks for letting me crash the party." Peter loops an arm across Tyler's shoulders, gives his new boyfriend a smile. Tyler beams back.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

INTO THE BLUE by Kay Bratt


Into the Blue, the third book in Kay Bratt’s By the Sea series takes you on an emotional journey filled with hope for a happily ever after.

Jules Monroe is a woman whose hard work and dedication has built a rewarding life for herself and her family. Now in her late fifties, she gives selflessly to her husband, kids, community, and their charter business. But everything comes to an abrupt halt when her body says enough, and her mind yearns for respite and a place to hide from past hurts.

Oldest son, Jonah Monroe, is a veteran haunted by a childhood tragedy. His past includes things he isn't proud of and can’t quite shake. When his chance to be a hero finally arrives, it comes with strings attached. Will he accept the kindness of strangers to help bring his family back together, or will his demons continue to be his downfall?

Maui isn’t always the safe paradise it’s made out to be and when ancient island superstitions threaten to rob the Monroe family yet again, they must all find a way to deter the impending disaster.


This is the third book in the By the Sea trilogy by Kay Bratt. It's also the best one. All are great in there own right but still this one is just the best one. 

The Monroe family have had their share of heartaches and losses. When things take a turn for the worse for Jules and Kira this family bans together to do all they can to set things right again. Through many ups and downs this story will keep you holding your breath. Keep you on the edge until the end. There is so much happening to this family and yet they never once waver. They never give up. Together they can do almost anything. Jules and Noah have a love that is endless and will see them through even the worse of times. Their children are fighters who are there for each other in times of need. Calling on the people for help and on a mother who is not in this families good graces. Can things be forgiven? Can they find the one they love in time?

There are lessons to be learned in this book also. Never ever give up on the ones you love. Always talk to them even when you think maybe they can not hear you. Blow that horn. Play that music loud. Keep on looking no matter what. Keep on holding that hand. Ask for that movement. Squeeze. Just take a deep breath and never give up.

This book is so good. It has all the feels. From laughter to gut wrenching sobs. From family being together to forgiveness to questioning. Did someone hurt Kira? What happened to Jules? Can they communicate and find their way back to each other? It will all be answered in this wonderful story os a family who has already endured so much and came out stronger than ever.

In the STORY BEHIND THE STORY Kay tells you where this story came from. I remember feeling the same way when I saw that this young woman went missing. Praying that she would be found alive and ok. Only Kay can spin a story that will have your heart racing this fast and furious. All the way to the very last word. It was a fast read for me. I couldn't put it down. I even read into the wee hours of the morning. 

Thank you Kay Bratt for this ARC. This is my own true feelings about this book.

5/5 huge stars. I highly recommend this book!!

Hiding In Plain View by Marcel Clarke

  Synopsis Hiding in Plain View is a gripping tale of resilience, redemption, and self-discovery. Entrepreneur, community advocate, and You...