Sunday, October 17, 2021

Weekly reading!


1: THE GUILTY SISTER by Arianne Richmonde
reviewed 10/12
2: THE MOTHER NEXT DOOR by Tara Kaskowski
reviewed 10/15 

Currently reading
THE PASSING STORM by Christine Nolfi
review will be 10/18

Reading this week
1: THESE SILENT WOODS by Kimi Cunningham Grant review will be 10/21
2: LITANI by Jess Lourey
review will be 10/24


  1. Replies
    1. All so far have been very good.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Have a great week!


Gothictown by Emily Carpenter

  My thoughts This was a wonderful book. Emily Carpenter has done a great job of pulling me in and making my day. This is such a good book. ...