Saturday, August 8, 2020



I’ll post a review when I finish it. 

This is the second of three books by this author that I have read and loved. It’s a very touching, loving, story of many losses and a love so deep nothing can stop it. Nothing can take it away. Nothing can stop the feelings of a mother who is looking for her child who has been taken. This is my favorite Rea Frey book.

Rebecca/Bec is a new mother. She’s also blind. She has had a year that is more than most could ever endure. She lost her husband, her mother, her sight and now her three month old baby boy. Who could do such a horrible thing. Bec always meets her friends at the park. Each has a child and each knows the love of a mother. It runs deep. Did one of them take her baby and leave a total stranger in his place. Do any of them believe her about her son being taken?

Rebecca goes through something that is so horrible. So unforgivable. So heartbreaking. She feels so alone. No one seems to believe her when she says that the baby in her home is not her son. But she knows. She knows her son. She may be blind, but she knows. On one can convince her that this baby is hers. But she’s not heartless. She worries about this little boy too. Why is he in her son’s crib. Who would do such a horrible thing to her.

When it seems all else has failed Rebecca does what she has to do to find her baby boy. She won’t stop until she has Jackson back where he belongs. Her friends help her as much as they can and a long ago love reappears. Jake was the love of Rebecca’s life until his job took him away. She had her reasons for staying behind. She had a promising career as a Cello player.

Crystal is Rebecca’s best friend. They met at grief counseling and immediately hit it off. They became fast friends. Both lost their husbands and both have a child. Crystal has a 10 year old daughter she’s raising on her own. She has a nanny to help but she misses her husband so much that she’s not totally there for her daughter. As much as Crystal wants to help Rebecca, she is not sure whether the baby is truly not Jackson or not. She’s never really looked at him. Never held him. She just doesn’t know. But she does know that Bec is a wonderful mother and that something is definitely wrong.

This story is told from two views. Rebecca’s and Crystal’s. Each has a story to tell too. Each has many things going on in their lives. Each has lost to much. They have friends that are there but do they really know them. Do they really know each other? There are many twists going on in this book. Two stories actually told. There’s Rebecca’s story and Crystal’s story. Of each of their lives and losses. Things going on that only they can understand. They have a close friendship. Rebecca is giving Crystal’s daughter Cello lessons too. Crystal’s daughter needs attention. Attention from her mother not the nanny.

This book is so good. It’s a heartfelt story of a mother’s love for her baby boy. What she is willing to do to get him back. The forgiveness she has in her heart for others. The kindness she has. It’s the story of several mothers. All with problems of their own. One knows what happened. I didn’t figure it out. Can you?

Thank you to #NetGalley, #ReaFrey, #StMartin’sPress for the ARC of this book. This is my own true review.

I gave it a 5/5 stars and the highest recommendation. A must read.


  1. Thanks for the review! ❤️ Always looking for new reads!

    1. I’ll leave a review for this in a couple of days. Rea Frey is a very good author. Thank you so much for the comment. I will be reading your latest as soon as I can. It sounds very good also.


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