Here is where I post the reviews of books I read. Most will be books that I really liked.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Mailbox Monday 8-31-2020
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.
Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf
I hope you had a good mailbox.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Carol now is trying to make peace with her mother and learn how to forgive her father. Her dad was a man who pushed her to always do better. No matter how good she did things it was not enough for him. He wanted nothing less than perfection. My opinion is she was way to forgiving of both of her parents. She was a child when they pushed her most of the time. She wasn't allowed to have a childhood like other children. Through interactions with others is how she would learn to grow. To be a wife, mother and daughter. But they didn't allow it. She was made to practice everything that her dad wanted her to do until she had it to perfection. I would not forgive him even in death. I would not have been so eager to forgive the mother either. It's ok to make peace but her mom allowed the things to happen. She never took up for Carol and never treated her like a normal child. I loved her in-laws. Her mother in law from her second marriage is more than just a friend. She's a mom that Carol never had. She gives her great advice. I really liked her so much.
This story is very sad in places and will make you weep. It goes back to the first book a lot and talks about the things that happened in the past that got Carol to where she is now. The many losses. The fears. The loves. All the things that she needs to find a place for and to be able to move on. I recommend you do read the first book or in my opinion you will be a tad lost in this one. Or at least you will truly appreciate this one way more if you read the first one. I strongly recommend that you do.
This book had great characters. You will feel their loves and losses. The scenes are exceptional and draw you right in. The story is sad in so many places. When it goes back to the past you feel the pain that Carol feels. The tears will flow not doubt. It's a great story though. It will keep you wanting to read. You will want to know how she deals with everything. If she forgives her dad and mom. If she can make peace with the loss of her child.
There is another book coming in this series. It will be the final I believe. Will Carol find closure for all and be able to move on with her life? Will she find happiness in a world of pain and hurt? She sure should. She deserves it completely. Time for her to take "one step at a time."
Thank you #NetGalley, #PinkSandsPublishers, #MarciBolden for this ARC. This is my own review.
A 4/5 stars and a high recommendation.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Mailbox Monday 8-24-2020

Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf
I hope you had a good mailbox.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
THE FIRST TO LIE by Hank Philippi Ryan
Saturday, August 8, 2020
I’ll post a review when I finish it.
This is the second of three books by this author that I have read and loved. It’s a very touching, loving, story of many losses and a love so deep nothing can stop it. Nothing can take it away. Nothing can stop the feelings of a mother who is looking for her child who has been taken. This is my favorite Rea Frey book.
Rebecca/Bec is a new mother. She’s also blind. She has had a year that is more than most could ever endure. She lost her husband, her mother, her sight and now her three month old baby boy. Who could do such a horrible thing. Bec always meets her friends at the park. Each has a child and each knows the love of a mother. It runs deep. Did one of them take her baby and leave a total stranger in his place. Do any of them believe her about her son being taken?
Rebecca goes through something that is so horrible. So unforgivable. So heartbreaking. She feels so alone. No one seems to believe her when she says that the baby in her home is not her son. But she knows. She knows her son. She may be blind, but she knows. On one can convince her that this baby is hers. But she’s not heartless. She worries about this little boy too. Why is he in her son’s crib. Who would do such a horrible thing to her.
When it seems all else has failed Rebecca does what she has to do to find her baby boy. She won’t stop until she has Jackson back where he belongs. Her friends help her as much as they can and a long ago love reappears. Jake was the love of Rebecca’s life until his job took him away. She had her reasons for staying behind. She had a promising career as a Cello player.
Crystal is Rebecca’s best friend. They met at grief counseling and immediately hit it off. They became fast friends. Both lost their husbands and both have a child. Crystal has a 10 year old daughter she’s raising on her own. She has a nanny to help but she misses her husband so much that she’s not totally there for her daughter. As much as Crystal wants to help Rebecca, she is not sure whether the baby is truly not Jackson or not. She’s never really looked at him. Never held him. She just doesn’t know. But she does know that Bec is a wonderful mother and that something is definitely wrong.
This story is told from two views. Rebecca’s and Crystal’s. Each has a story to tell too. Each has many things going on in their lives. Each has lost to much. They have friends that are there but do they really know them. Do they really know each other? There are many twists going on in this book. Two stories actually told. There’s Rebecca’s story and Crystal’s story. Of each of their lives and losses. Things going on that only they can understand. They have a close friendship. Rebecca is giving Crystal’s daughter Cello lessons too. Crystal’s daughter needs attention. Attention from her mother not the nanny.
This book is so good. It’s a heartfelt story of a mother’s love for her baby boy. What she is willing to do to get him back. The forgiveness she has in her heart for others. The kindness she has. It’s the story of several mothers. All with problems of their own. One knows what happened. I didn’t figure it out. Can you?
Thank you to #NetGalley, #ReaFrey, #StMartin’sPress for the ARC of this book. This is my own true review.
I gave it a 5/5 stars and the highest recommendation. A must read.
THE ORPHAN COLLECTOR by Ellen Marie Wiseman

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
THE NIGHT SWIN by Megan Goldin

Saturday, August 1, 2020
HIS & HERS by Alice Feeney
There are at least two sides to every story: Yours and mine. Ours and theirs. His and hers. Which means someone is always lying.
We are a species capable of horrific acts, and incapable of learning from the lessons our own history tries to teach us.
The truth is that life broke us, and when we finally acknowledge that we didn’t know how to fix each other, we stopped trying.
You are more than the worst thing you’ve ever done.
There are at least two sides to every story: yours and mine, ours and theirs, his and hers....
This is hands down my favorite book by Alice Feeney. It pulled me in from the very first and didn’t disappoint anywhere throughout. It was told with such passion and beauty even though it’s a dark thriller that will keep you on edge and wondering who did it. I thought I had it all figured out but was in for a huge shock. Every guess I made was so wrong and that hardly ever happens. This book is great. Best of this series. Hands down the best book by this author.
This book is about a lot of things, mainly murder. The murder of someone that Anna, who is a reporter, went to school with. Who at one time was her best friend. Anna was raised by her mother who did everything she could for her after Anna’s dad left them. She worked hard to make things better for Anna. Anna didn’t always appreciate the things her mum did for her though. She just didn’t understand. Not until she became a mum herself. Even then she didn’t go see her mum like she should have. She had a busy life as a reporter and didn’t want to return to Blackdown for anyone. It held bad memories for Anna.
Jack, Anna’s ex husband, was the DCI on the case of Rachel, who was murdered. He lives with demons of his own and is surprised when Anna is the one covering the story of the woman killed in the woods. Things are not great for Jack. He’s living with his sister and her little girl and it’s not the best relationship. But he does the best he can. He’s never truly got over his love for Anna. He’s helped her mother who is suffering from dementia and tries to tell Anna how bad things are. Jack is a good man and you will root for him throughout this story. Almost always.
This book is told from three different people. Anna, Jack and the murder. You will have many guesses but my guess is you will know figure it out. This is really a very twisted story that takes you places you won’t soon forget. The trip through the woods. It’s so realistic you will feel as if you are there. In the depths of the underbrush. The darkness that is common in thick groves of trees. The many twists and turns. From the young girls to the older women who know these woods well.
I really did like almost all the characters in this book. Some more than others. I felt for some very deeply. My heart went out to them. Some I honestly wanted to smack hard. I didn’t like a few of them at all. Overall though you will root for most to make it. There are some twist that you probably won’t see coming.
I received an audio of this book and though I did love the voices on it, I had bought a paperback copy and read it from there. I’m not good at listening to books. I would much rather read it for myself. It was narrated excellently though for anyone that loves audio. You won’t be disappointed.
Thank you to #NetGalley, #AliceFeeney, #Flatironbooks for the audio of this story. This is my own review.
I had to give this a 5/5 stars and the highest recommendation. Grab it, read it, live it... if you dare.
We Are Made of Stars by Rochelle B. Weinstein
My thoughts This author writes books that really pull you in and pull at your heartstrings. They usually have all the feels included too. ...

This book absolutely blew my socks off. It is my first by this author and believe me I do look forward to reading more. This one held me c...
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead ...
“An extraordinary profile of immense courage and daring.” — Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of Before We Left Cuba “I...