Monday, May 31, 2021

THE HIVE by Gregg Olsen


Glamorous messiah or charlatan? A mask of beauty hides deadly secrets in #1 New York Times and Amazon Charts bestselling author Gregg Olsen’s mesmerizing novel of suspense.

In the Pacific Northwest, detective Lindsay Jackman is investigating the murder of a young journalist found at the bottom of a ravine. Lindsay soon learns that the victim was writing an exposé. Her subject: a charismatic wellness guru who’s pulled millions into her euphoric orbit…

To hear Marnie Spellman tell it, when she was a child, a swarm of bees lifted her off the ground and toward the sunlight, illuming her spiritual connection with nature—an uncanny event on which Marnie built a cosmetics empire and became a legend, a healer, and the queen of holistic health and eternal beauty. In her inner circle is an intimate band of devotees called the Hive. They share Marnie’s secrets of success—including one cloaked in darkness for twenty years.

Determined to uncover the possibly deadly mysteries of the group, Lindsay focuses her investigation on Marnie and the former members of the Hive, who are just as determined to keep Lindsay from their secrets as they are to maintain their status


I throughly enjoyed this book. It's in part a thriller and a whole lot mystery. Though I have to say that a bit past the fifty percent part I did figure it out. I got one person wrong but still it was just as I thought. This book is good. 

This excerpt is what starts this book out with a bang. In my opinion. 
"They walked along the shoreline, miles of stunning emptiness all around them. It was as if they were the last people on the earth, and they felt nothing but the love of each other and the kind of peach that comes when one knows the end of a love story."

This is a very complex story. Lots of characters to keep up with and a lot going on. Two murders twenty years apart and a suicide that happens right off. You will get to know each person involved in this story. All about them. Some you will like and some you will despise. Some will fool you completely. But you will find out what happened to both women and why. Why the suicide happened. There is a cult type following that will pull you in also. This all happened because of the cult. Because of one woman who claimed that she was the queen bee. 

This book is well written and is very entertaining. It's one that will keep you turning the pages to find out what is going to happen next. To find out who did what and why. Why would any mother just up and leave her children. Leave a husband that she at one time adored. What makes a good person do something so bad that everyone ends up paying. Actually I suppose they were not really that good to begin with or they would not have done what they did. No matter what!

This story jumps around through the years. From mid 1996 to 2019 actually. One cop, Lindsay Jackson, unravels all the puzzle pieces that make up this story. She works hard to find out why her partner took his own life and who killed two women. What she finds will make you take a good long look at things. What a person will do for the one they love. What a person will do to be loved. To be number one. On top of it all. 

I have to admit that I loved the ending. The way this author tied up all the loose ends. Let us know what happened to each person. Though I do think a couple may have got off way to light. But I'm not an author and I'm by no means a detective. I can, though, figure out some books at times. Even though I figured out who did what in part it did not take away from the story. It's very good. I really did like this book. I look forward to more by this author.

Thank you #NetGalley, #GreggOlsen, #Thomas&Mercer for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

4/5 stars and I do recommend it. It's very good.

Mailbox Monday!


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.

Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.
I had a great mailbox!
Just one book this week but I have lots to read!! So it's a great week anyway!
Received May 29th
Courtesy of Lake Union Publishing via NetGalley 

It's Monday! What are you reading?


I hope you had a great reading week.

This is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at BOOKDATE
Post the books completed, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish at some point.
Read and reviewed:
1: YOU WILL REMEMBER ME by Hannah Mary McKinnon
Reviewed/blog tour 5/24 
THE PATRON by Tess Thompson 
Reviewed 5/24
3: ORDINARY GRACE by William Kent Krueger
Reviewed 5/27
4: THE HIVE by Gregg Olsen 
Review 5/30
Review 6/2
6:  HAVEN POINT by Virginia Hume 
Review 6/5
7: WAITING TO BEGIN by Amanda Prowse
Review 6/8
8: HAIRPIN BRIDGE by Taylor Adams
Review 6/14
9: The Family Plot by Megan Collins
Review 6/17
10: THE LOST GIRLS by Jessica Chiarella
12: THREE WORDS FOR GOODBYE by Hazel Gaynor; Heather Webb
13: IN ANOTHER LIGHT by A.J. Banner
14: LADY SUNSHINE by Amy Mason Doan 
15: THE GIRL IN CELL 49B by Dorian Box
17: NO MORE WORDS by Kerry Lonsdale
18: ALL THE LITTLE HOPES by Leah Weiss
19: THE CHILDREN'S SECRET by Nina Monroe
20: FINDING ASHLEY by Danielle Steele

Books I read in May!


What a month. 

Each of these books was great. 

4 and 5 stars each one.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Week in Reading!


Read & Reviewed:
1: YOU WILL REMEMBER ME by Hannah Mary McKinnon. Reviewed 5/24
2: THE PATRON by Tess Thompson
Reviewed 5/24
3: ORDINARY GRACE by William Kent Krueger
Reviewed 5/27

Currently reading:
1: THE HIVE by Gregg Olsen
Review will be 5/30

Reading this week:
Review will be 6/1
2: HAVEN POINT by Virginia Hume
Review will be 6/4

Thursday, May 27, 2021

ORDINARY GRACE by William Kent Krueger



From New York Times bestselling author William Kent Krueger, a brilliant new novel about a young man, a small town, and murder in the summer of 1961.

“That was it. That was all of it. A grace so ordinary there was no reason at all to remember it. Yet I have never across the forty years since it was spoken forgotten a single word.”

New Bremen, Minnesota, 1961. The Twins were playing their debut season, ice-cold root beers were selling out at the soda counter of Halderson’s Drugstore, and Hot Stuff comic books were a mainstay on every barbershop magazine rack. It was a time of innocence and hope for a country with a new, young president. But for thirteen-year-old Frank Drum it was a grim summer in which death visited frequently and assumed many forms. Accident. Nature. Suicide. Murder.

Frank begins the season preoccupied with the concerns of any teenage boy, but when tragedy unexpectedly strikes his family—which includes his Methodist minister father; his passionate, artistic mother; Juilliard-bound older sister; and wise-beyond-his-years kid brother—he finds himself thrust into an adult world full of secrets, lies, adultery, and betrayal, suddenly called upon to demonstrate a maturity and gumption beyond his years.

Told from Frank’s perspective forty years after that fateful summer, Ordinary Grace is a brilliantly moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood, trying to understand a world that seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom and the enduring grace of God.


By the author of THIS TENDER LAND. I loved that book and I loved this one also. I have no idea which I could possibly chose as a favorite.

This is one of those books that takes you away. Takes you to a place that you can't seem to leave. It's a hard story. A good story and a very sad story of the summer of 1961 and two young boys as they become men way before their time. A tragic summer. A summer of many deaths. Some by accident, possible suicide and no doubt about it murder. A summer that will stick with you for a while. 

I have a couple of favorite quotes from this book. 1: "Heavenly Father, for the blessing of this food and these friend and our families, we thank you. In Jesus's name amen." That was it. That was all of it. a grace so ordinary there was no reason at all to remember it. Yet I have never across the forty years since it was spoken forgotten a single word. 2: We turn, three men bound by love, by history, by circumstance, and most certainly by the awful grace of God, and together walk a narrow lane where headstones press close all around, reminding me gently of Warren Redstone's parting wisdom, which I understand now. The dead are never far from us. They're in our hearts and on our minds and in the end all that separates us from them is a single breath, one final puff of air. 

William Kent Krueger has a way of writing that keeps you captivated. The words roll smoothly off the pages and straight into your heart. You wrap yourself around this story and don't want to let go. Through all the ups and downs you hold on tight to yourself and hope for the best. It's told in a way that really truly gives you hope. Makes you believe in things you may never have thought you ever would. He has a talent that is a gift from somewhere. Whether it's from God or from some other power I don't know but I do know that I'm very happy that he has it. This book is one that truly made me have some deep thoughts about life. It made me have quite a few weepy moments. Some where I actually had to stop and put it aside for a few minutes because my eyes were so full of tears. My heart broke for the family in this book. For two little boys who had such a tragic summer.

The Drum family, Nathan, Ruth, Ariel, Frank and Jake. Nathan was a minister. His wife, Ruth, daughter, Ariel, were a big part of the choir. Frank and Jake were the boys who grew up during the summer of '61. This family went through a lot that summer. Their faith is tested in many ways and it's a wonder they made it at all. Through it all their dad, Nathan, never gave up. He had a faith that was as fierce as any you could ever read about. The way he dealt with things with such calm was intoxicating. His friend, Gus, was a big part of this family also. They were friends from the military and he had his own demons. But with Nathan's help and his faith they will all survive.

A very touching and beautifully written book with enough sorrow to keep you in tears, yet it's still one you won't want to put down. I honestly don't see how Mr Krueger writes such beautiful stories with such deep sorrow and makes it something that you can't stop reading. This one has a mystery that you may or may not figure out. I did, but it didn't take away from the story in any way. This book is one that I have to say read. Read it and enjoy it. Savor it. 

This was one that I got for myself a good while back and read just for the pleasure of reading a book. It's one that you will love, hate, enjoy and shed many tears over. What these two boys go through in the summer of '61 is something. Frank tells this story in the present as he drifts back to that summer. It will captivate you. It will break your heart. It will even in a couple of places possibly give you a chuckle or two. 

5/5 huge stars and the very highest recommendation I can possibly give a book!

Monday, May 24, 2021

THE PATRON by Tess Thompson


She’s afraid to take risks. He’s an incurable daredevil. When tragedy throws them together, will it spark a lasting devotion?

Crystal Whalen isn’t sure why she should go on. Two years after her husband’s death on a ski trip, she’s devastated when a fire destroys her quiet Colorado mountain home. And when she can’t keep her hands off the gorgeous divorcé who’s become her new temporary housemate, it only feeds her grief and growing guilt.

Garth Welte won’t be burned again. After his ex-wife took most of his money, the downhill-skiing Olympic medalist is determined to keep things casual with the sexy woman he can’t resist. But the more time they spend with each other, the harder it is to deny his burgeoning feelings.

As Crystal’s longing for the rugged man’s embrace grows, she worries that his dangerous lifestyle will steal him away. And although Garth believes she’s his perfect girl, the specter of betrayal keeps a tight grip on his heart.

Will the thrill-seeker and the wary woman succumb to the power of love?

The Patron of Emerson Pass is the emotional second book in the Emerson Pass Contemporaries small-town romance series. If you like lyrical prose, unexpected chances at happiness, and uplifting stories, then you’ll adore Tess Thompson’s sweet tale.


Another great Emerson Pass book by Tess Thompson.
I actually devoured this one. It started out strong and kept on going. The chemistry between the two characters in this book was so good. So real. You feel both of their fears. Fear of rejection and fear of loss. In Emerson Pass love seems to always prevail though.

Crystal and Garth were just neighbors. Until they weren't. Until the fire. Sparks started to fly in more ways than one between these two. They are both sort of broken from being hurt and yes burned. Not physically burned but emotionally. Crystal is trying to get over the loss of her husband and her unborn child. She blames herself and doesn't think she deserves to move on. Garth was hurt by his first wife and is afraid of being hurt again. Though he is finally willing to jump back in with Crystal and wants them to be together in every way. He fell in love. She's still afraid.

Two accidents bring these two back to reality in every way. People from their pasts seem to give them the strength to move forward and have the life they both deserve. The happiness and love they both want and need. Secrets are revealed in this book also. I do admit to figuring out rather quickly the secret Crystal's mother kept for years. But still it was great to find out for sure. 

I think there will be at least two more love stories from the characters in this book. Also the birth of a new baby. Brandi and Trapper are expecting and Brandi is on bed rest. There will be happiness there I know.

The letters at the end of this book took me back to other books by Tess Thompson that were wonderful. The recipes sound delish and I will be trying a few of them. This book was such a relaxing read for me. I usually read thrillers so this was truly a breath of fresh air. 

Set in Emerson Pass, Colorado, it has such beautiful scenery. Written in a way that makes you feel it. Then the accidents of course. You feel that ice and the slide. The crunch of metal. The cold. It's written in a way that you feel everything. 

Thank you to #NetGalley, #TessThompson, #Independentlypublished for this ARC. This is my own true feelings about this book.

A big 5/5 stars and high recommend. If you like romance that is not to mushy this is the book for you. I loved it!

YOU WILL REMEMBER ME by Hannah Mary McKinnon Blog Tour


Book Summary:

He wakes up on a deserted beach in Maryland, wearing only swim trunks and a gash on his head. He can’t remember who he is. Everything—his identity, his life, his loved ones—has been replaced by a dizzying fog of uncertainty. But returning to his Maine hometown in search of the truth raises more questions than answers.


Lily Reid thinks she knows her boyfriend, Jack. Until he goes missing one night, and her frantic search reveals that he’s been lying to her since they met, desperate to escape a dark past he’d purposely left behind.


Maya Scott has been trying to find her estranged stepbrother, Asher, since he disappeared without a trace. Having him back, missing memory and all, feels like a miracle. But with a mutual history full of devastating secrets, how far will Maya go to ensure she alone takes them to the grave?

Chapter 1—The Man from the Beach 

Cold. Cold was the first word that came to mind. The first thing I noticed when I woke up. Not a slight, uncomfortable chill to give me the shivers, but a cramp-inducing, iced-to-the-bone kind of frozen. I lay flat on my stomach, my left ear and cheek pressed into the rough, grainy wet ground beneath me, my entire body shaking. As my thoughts attempted to assemble themselves into some form of understandable order, a wave of icy water nipped at my bare toes and ankles, my instincts pulling my feet out of reach. 

I had a sudden urge to get up, a primal need to take in my surroundings and assess the danger—was I in danger?—but the throbbing pain deep in my head made the slightest effort to shift anything seem impossible. Lifting a finger would be too much effort, and I acquiesced, allowing myself to lie still for another few freezing seconds as the frigid water crept over the balls of my feet again. When I blinked my eyes open, I was met by a thick, fuzzy darkness enveloping me like a cloak. Where the hell was I? And wherever it was, what was I doing here? 

When I lifted my head a fraction of an inch, I could barely make out anything in front of me. There was hardly a noise either, nothing but a gentle, steady rumble in the background, and the cry of a bird somewhere in the distance. I made my brain work its way backward—bird, rumble, sand, water—and the quartet formed the vaguely cohesive image of a beach. 

Searching for confirmation, I inhaled the salty, humid air deep into my lungs as another slosh of water took aim at my calves. This time the discomfort was enough to push me to my feet, and I wrapped my arms around my naked torso, my sopping board shorts clinging to my goose-bump-covered thighs. An explosion of pain in my head threatened to send me back to my knees, and I swayed gently, wishing I had something to steady myself with, willing my body to stay upright. As I pressed a hand to the side of my skull, I let out a quiet yelp, and felt along a two-inch gash in my scalp. My eyes had adjusted somewhat to the lack of light, and my fingertips were covered in something dark that smelled of rust. Blood. How had I…? 

Another low rumble made me turn around, shuffling slowly in a semicircle. The behemoth effort was rewarded by the sight of a thousand glistening waves dancing under the moonlight like diamonds, the water stretching out and disappearing into the darkness beyond. As my ears tuned in to the rhythmic whoosh of the waves, my mind worked hard to process each scrap of information it took in. 

I’m definitely on a beach. It’s nighttime. I’m alone. What am I doing here? 

Before I could answer the single question, a thousand others crowded my brain, an incessant string of chatter I couldn’t stop or get away from. 

Where is everyone? Never mind them, where am I? Have I been here long? How did I get here? Where was I before? Where are my clothes? What day is it? 

My legs buckled. Not because of the unfamiliar surroundings, the cold burrowing its way deeper into my core, or the pain in my head, which had increased tenfold. No. My knees hit the sand with a dull crunch when I realized I couldn’t answer any of the questions because I couldn’t recall anything. Nothing. Not the tiniest of details.

Including my name.

Chapter 2—Lily 

A frown settled over my face as I put my phone on the table, pushed the bowl of unfinished berry oatmeal away and stretched out my legs. It was Saturday morning, and I’d been up for ages, too eager—too hopeful—to spend a day at the beach with Jack, but those plans had been a literal wash-out. The start to the summer felt capricious, with this second storm in the last week of June poised to be much worse than the first. I’d convinced myself the weatherwoman had exaggerated or got her forecast completely wrong, but clouds had rolled in overnight anyway. As a result, I’d been unceremoniously woken up at two thirty by a trio of bright lightning, deafening thunderclaps and heavy raindrops pelting against my bedroom window. 

At first, I’d pulled my pillow over my head to deafen the noise, and when that didn’t work, I rolled over and stretched out an arm. The spot next to me was empty and cold, and I groaned. Jack hadn’t come over to my place as I’d hoped he would, slipping into bed and pressing his naked body against mine. I’d buried my face back into my pillow and tried to ignore the tinge of disappointment. We hadn’t seen much of each other this past week, both of us too busy with our jobs to spend more than a night together, and I missed him. Jack had called the day before to tell me he’d be working late, finishing the stain on the cabinets he’d labored on for weeks before his boss had to let him go. Apparently expensive custom kitchens weren’t in as high demand in Brookmount, Maryland as originally thought. 

“But you got laid off,” I’d said. “It’s your last day. Why do you care?” 

“Because I made a commitment. Besides, it’ll help when I need a reference.” 

Typical Jack, always keeping his word. He’d bought a lottery ticket once, and the clerk had jokingly asked if he’d give him half of any winnings. Jack had laughed and shaken the man’s hand, and when he won ten bucks on the ticket, had promptly returned to the store, and paid over the share as promised. His loyalty was one of the many things I loved about Jack, although part of me wished he weren’t quite as dedicated to his soon-to-be ex-boss. 

“You could come over to my place when you’re done,” I said, smiling slowly. “I’ll leave the key under the umbrella stand. I don’t mind you waking me up gently in the middle of the night…or not so gently.” 

Jack laughed softly. The sound was something I’d fallen in love with eighteen months ago after our eyes had met across a crowded bar, the mother of all uninspired first-encounter clichés, except in this case I’d been forced to admit clichés weren’t always a bad thing. 

“It’ll be really late, Lily,” he said, his voice deep. His English accent was something of a rarity in our small coastal town, and still capable of making my legs wobble in anticipation of his next words. “I’ll go for a quick swim now, then finish up work. How about I come over in the morning? Around nine? I’ll bring you breakfast in bed.” 

“Blueberry pancakes from Patti’s? With extra maple syrup?” 

“This time I’ll order three stacks to make sure I get some.” 

“Pancakes or sex?” I said, before telling him how much I loved him, and whispering exactly how I’d thank him for waking me with sweet weekend treats. I’d hoped it might change his mind and he’d come over earlier, except it was ten now, and he still hadn’t showed. It was odd. Jack detested being late as much as he loved being early. He often joked they set Greenwich Mean Time by his father’s old watch, which Jack had worn since his dad passed a little over a decade before we’d met, when Jack was only twenty.

I checked my phone again. Jack hadn’t answered either of my calls, another anomaly, but I tried to talk myself into believing he’d worked late into the night to make the final good impression he wanted, and overslept. Maybe there was a line at Patti’s—the restaurant was slammed every weekend—and perhaps his phone was set to silent. 

I picked up my bowl and wandered to the kitchen. My place was the smallest of six apartments, a tiny but well-maintained one-bedroom in a building a few miles from the beach, farther than I’d planned, but the closest I could afford. I’d lived there for almost five years, had furnished it with an eclectic assortment of third-hand furniture, my favorite piece a royal blue microfiber sofa I’d bought for fifty bucks, and which Jack swore was the most comfortable thing he’d ever sat on. Whenever he sank down into it and pulled me on top of him with a contented sigh, I’d tease him about what made him happier; the squishy, well-worn cushions, or me. 

The image made my frown deepen. Where was he?

Excerpted from You Will Remember Me by Hannah Mary McKinnon, Copyright © 2021 by Hannah McKinnon. Published by MIRA Books

 Author Bio: 

Hannah Mary McKinnon was born in the UK, grew up in Switzerland and moved to Canada in 2010. After a successful career in recruitment, she quit the corporate world in favor of writing, and is now the author of The Neighbors, Her Secret Son, and Sister Dear. She lives in Oakville, Ontario, with her husband and three sons, and is delighted by her twenty-second commute.


Author: Hannah Mary McKinnon

ISBN: 9780778331810

Publication Date: May 25, 2021

Publisher: MIRA Books

Buy Links:


Barnes & Noble




Social Links:

Author Website

Twitter: @HannahMMcKinnon

Instagram: @hannahmarymckinnon

Facebook: @HannahMaryMcKinnon



Hannah Mary McKinnon has done it again. Taken me on a wild ride all the way to the dramatic, very unexpected, ending of a great book. She never ever disappoints me with her work.

This is  truly a book that will keep you turning the pages. Keep you wanting to know what happens next. Who is who and what is real. You will want to know if these characters are who they say they are. If they all have hidden agendas. Who can be trusted and who is out for themself. Is it him, her, them, or a total stranger. How many have to die to find the answers? 

An edge of your seat triller that will not let you go. This book is excellent. One that will put a little fear in your heart. A little hope only to have that squashed a few times. You will wonder if anyone will ever find out the truth. Will anyone have to pay for the things they have done or just keep on going on with their life. 

The characters in this book are for the most part very likable. Very easy to understand. It's even easy to see why some did the things they did. There is a lot of mistrust going on and with good reason. A whole lot of lies to keep you trying to figure out what exactly happened. Even before the "accident" who were these people. Was there more than one murder or was everything else as it appears. 

This is a great book if you love thrillers that keep you holding your breath. I loved it from start to finish. Actually hated to see it end. But what an ending it was. One I didn't expect for sure.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #HannahMaryMcKinnon, #Harlequin for this ARC. This is my own true feelings about this book.

5/5 stars and a very high recommendation. 

Mailbox Monday!


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday.

Here’s a shout out to the administrators:
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree 
Serena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
Martha @ Reviews By Martha's Bookshelf 
                THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. 
I hope you had a good mailbox.
I had a great mailbox!
Courtesy of Lake Union Publishing via NetGalley 
2: THE NECKLACE by Matt Witten
Courtesy of Oceanview Publishing via NetGalley 
3: HAIRPIN BRIDGE by Taylor Adams
Courtesy of Joffe Books via NetGalley 

Hiding In Plain View by Marcel Clarke

  Synopsis Hiding in Plain View is a gripping tale of resilience, redemption, and self-discovery. Entrepreneur, community advocate, and You...