Sunday, June 21, 2020

YOU CAN’T CATCH ME by Catherine McKenzie

Ok, I have had the great fortune of reading some of the best books ever lately and this one is again my new favorite of Catherine McKenzie. She has taken this story and written it in a way that you will not be able to put it down. You will want to know what happens. You will have to know who did what to whom. This is a big, huge, page turner from the very beginning to the explosive ending that will leave you in both tears and shaking your head.

Jessica Williams has come into some money from her past job. Jessica Williams has been scammed and all of her money stolen. Now Jessica is on a quest to get to the bottom of where the person who has the same name and birthday as her is and where her money is. She wants it back and she is determined to get it back. Jessica has had a pretty horrible life since the very beginning of her childhood. Living in a cult, taken from her parents, and raised by a crazy man who seems to be grooming her for something she does not quite understand yet. But she will. She will do whatever it takes to get away. The one thing she wanted more than anything was for her cousin, Kiki, to come with her. To get away. But Kiki refuses. She’s afraid and does not think it’s a good idea for her to leave. This is after all the only life she has ever know.

Jessica falls for her savior, Liam. Liam is not a bad guy. He’s a person who saves people. He does not want Jessica that way. Or does he. Is he secretly falling in love with her but afraid of letting her know? He is after all a few years her senior. There are many people from TODD, the cult where Jessica was, that Liam have saved. Friends of Jessicas. People she grew up with. They all know what was going on in the LOT, LAND OF TODD. It was not the happiest of life and the best thing to happen to them all was Liam saving them. Jessica does not care for her parents as she blames them for going to the LOT anyway. How could they do that and keep her there. How could any of the parents. Kiki’s parents and Jessica’s parents should have done better. They should have done something. But could they have truly? Todd was a maniac after all. A true cult leader.

This book was so well written. It was told with such intensity that you will definitely feel the pain that Jessica feels. All the pains she has had to endure. The characters are so well written you will feel like you know each one personally. The places told in descriptions that make you feel like you are right there. Whether it’s in the woods with the cult followers or in NY with Liam and the others he has rescued. Or on a trip with JJ to find the Jessica who cheated them both out of all their money. It’s a beautifully written story that will touch your soul. And then you have that ending. The one that ties it all together and reveals things that you would never have guessed. The things that made this book so good. Through many tears I read the ending and felt so much turmoil for Jessica. All she had gone through.

This is such a good book....

Thank you to #NetGalley, #CatherineMcKenzie, #LakeUnion for this ARC. This review is my own. Written from my heart.

A huge 5 stars and the very highest recommendation ever.

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