Tuesday, June 2, 2020


First and for most let me say that the only reason this book gets three stars from me is because I actually finished it. I did not enjoy this book at all. It started out with a lot of promise but then fell flat. I was bored with it but determined to finish it. I hate to start a book and not finish it. It happens but I do hate it.

Lane/Roxie is a wife, mother, daughter and advice columnist. I didn’t like her very much. She did have some good qualities about her, but overall she was just not that likable to me. She was a great mom and a great wife. She was even a very good daughter considering she had the worse parents ever in my opinion. The only time I liked them during this whole story was at the end when they finally treated her and her son, Henry, like they matter. Her dad was very condescending and her mother was just so fragile and meek it was kind of sickening. Sorry but that is how they came across to me.

I loved Henry and Nathan. Henry is Lane’s son. Nathan is their landlord and great friend.
Henry had stopped speaking and it is thought that that is because of his dad’s death. It could be some other reason but let’s say it’s the death of his dad. He dad was a loser and a drunk. He was not good to Lane at all as a husband but it seems he was a good dad to Henry. So Henry was very distraught over losing his dad.

This is not a book that kept me interested yet I did read it as fast as possible. I wanted to get it under my belt and start something else. That is brutal I know but honest. I actually found myself skimming over parts of this story because it became kind of monotonous. It seemed to drag on and on for me. I liked the advice parts. I think Rokie/Lane gave great advice for the most part. She just needed to maybe give herself and her parents some much needed advise. I liked her sister also by the way. She was up front and honest in how she felt about things. That was a good thing.

So not a lot of likable characters, not a likable plot, no great descriptions so I didn’t feel much for the area where this took place. It was just a story that gave me absolutely no emotion. That was not good. I need a book to make me feel what the characters are feeling. This one did not.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #LakeUnion, #NanceStar for this ARC. This is my own honest review.

I gave it 3 stars and like I already said thee because I actually finished it. I can’t in good faith recommend this one. It let me down big time. Other’s may love it. I did not.

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