Monday, March 30, 2020

YOU ARE NOT ALONE by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

I’ve read and enjoyed other books by these two authors and was very excited to get this one. It pulled me right in and didn’t let go. From start to dramatic finish this one held me captive for sure.
You Are Not Alone is a great title. A great book. I loved it.
Shay witnesses a suicide that will change her life forever. She goes from being a shy young woman who is working for a temp agency to making some friends who she leans on for support throughout this story. She’s torn apart after what she saw and gets deeply involved in the dead woman’s life. She even starts to look like her...
But eventually things turn south for Shay. She has no one to turn to. No one she can trust and she’s alone and running for her life in New York. Riding the subway and trying to figure out who she can turn to and who may want to harm her is wearing her down fast. Lack of sleep and food make her life even harder. What can she trust. Who can she trust. Is there anywhere she can go to feel safe again. She’s being framed for a murder she did not commit. She has no idea why or who the person is she’s supposedly killed. Even her roommate has turned on her it seems. He was her best friend at one time. Shay has only one choice, to find out for herself who is trying to get her. She can’t seem to trust the detective who thinks she may have had something to do with a murder. She can’t even trust herself.
All Shay wanted was a life a love and a home. A good job and friends. She meets the Moore sisters and thinks she has found the friends at least. But are they truly her friends or do they need her for something way more sinister. Are they to good to be true or is their group up to no good. What are they hiding and who are they really. That is the big question Shay needs to be asking.
This book will pull you in and have you wanting more. It will keep you turning the pages and wondering who can be trusted from the beginning. Is Shay really who she claims to be or is she playing games. Are Cassandra and Jane for real or are they up to more than it appears. This book holds a few surprises for the reader. It had me for sure. I didn’t see it coming and that is unusual for me. I did not figure out who was who.
The characters, although dark and untrustworthy, are likable. The setting is great and I felt like I was actually riding that subway day and night with Shay. I felt her fatigue and her fear. I felt her loss when she had no one to turn to. I cried in many places and even laughed in a couple. This is a very good book that I honestly enjoyed from the very beginning. I hated for it to end.
Thank you to #NetGalley, #St Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my true and honest review.
A huge 5 stars from me and a very high recommendation..

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

IN AN INSTANT by Suzanne Redfearn

This book has left me breathless. It’s one that has so much feeling and will without a doubt make you think about things differently. One that may in parts make you laugh but without a doubt will make you cry. It’s a very heartfelt, heartbreaking, story of love and loss. A family caught in the worse possible circumstances. A family who along with their best friends go to hell and back. One family may not have made it completely back though. Through actions of such horrible greed and in my opinion, selfishness, they get what they deserve. At least one does. Their daughter is an innocent child in all of it though. She may not be very likable, but she is a child and innocent in the events that happened.
This story is told from sixteen year old Finn’s point of view. She is caught between moving on after the horrific wreck that has taken her at such a young age and see’s each person’s strengths and weaknesses. She tries so hard to help. Watching her family almost destroy each other is a bit much for her as is watching her best friend try and figure things out. There is so much sorrow in these people it’s just heartbreaking. There was eleven people in the van when it wrecked, nine survived and moved on.
There are some very likable characters in this book. Most in fact are likable. Finn is adorable as is her best friend, Mo. Chloe, Finn’s older sister, is lovable, although she is a bit of a troublemaker at times too. There’s Oz, who is developmentally challenged, Finn’s brother. Overall I liked everyone except Uncle Bob. Him I came to hate deeply. I can almost believe he didn’t do anything with intent, but not quite. What he did was unforgivable. One of those who you think is your friend but is really very selfish and cold. I can’t even buy that he truly cared that much for his own family. I just could not connect or care about this excuse of a human being.
This book made me cringe so much in many places. There was only one thing that I didn’t like about this book. That I didn’t feel I got complete closure where Oz was concerned. Though in my mind I can see it clearly and that may be exactly what the author was intending. Ann, Finn’s mother, was way more loving and caring than most knew. Finn saw that side of her where no one else ever had. Letting go has to be the hardest thing a parent ever does. If it’s at all truly possible.
The Author’s Note at the end is a must read. It sheds so much light on why this author wrote this book. It’s another sad part but necessary too. I hope this book helped her to get more closure. I agree that you have to be very careful who you entrust your children too. I imagine it was/is very hard for her to trust anyone completely with them.
This book will definitely pull at your heartstrings. Bring tears to your eyes and leave you with your mouth hanging open in parts. It will make you think about who you can or can’t trust. Wonder what you would do in this situation. I believe with all my heart that I would be fair to all children. I certainly hope I would. It’s such an important thing and children learn from what they see and what they feel.
Thank you for writing this beautiful, heartfelt, tearjerker of a story.
Thank you to #NetGalley, #Lake Union, #Suzanne Redfearn for this ARC. This is my review.
I had to give it a 5 star rating and a very high recommendation. Be sure and have lots of kleenex handy though.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

KEEP ME AFLOAT by Jennifer Gold

Jennifer Gold, author of The Ingredient of Us has written another winner. Keep Me Afloat. This title fits so well.
This is my second book by this author and I enjoyed it very much. There was parts that the synopsis talked about that I never truly saw.. Like friends and family not being the same toward her. To me her parents, while having problems of their own, were great to her. Her best friends were right there for her too. The only one that was indifferent toward her was a guy friend she fled from and in my opinion he had no right to be judging considering he was married as was Abby. Abby is the main character in this book and I did like her a lot. Her best friends, Chrissy and Nick, who were married to each other, opened their home to her when she needed them. Not that she lived with them mind you, but when she needed their moral support they were right there. I liked them both also.
Abby married the love of her life, Dennis, but to me it seemed he became somewhat of a jerk about her career. Though there too if she would have sit him down and really opened up to him about her feelings I believe he would have understood and be way more supportive. He was in the beginning and possibly would have been later after they married. But she didn’t and thus things happened.
Eli was a friend who Abby had many lunches with and even lied to Dennis about one night. They didn’t have a sexual affair but she sure did have a mental one and he would have if she would have. Eli was married with a child so I didn’t like him at all for wanting something besides what he already had. I do not believe in affairs so that made me dislike him because of his actions. He already had a very adventurous life so in my mind I kept wondering how many other women was he actually seeing in other countries. He was a professional photographer and did extensive travel whether his wife liked it or not. She was way more understanding than I would have been... Just saying.
This book had great characters. Great plot. Great emotions. Scenery descriptions. The job Abby had game much insight to the life of whales and in some places got very emotional. I learned some things that I had no idea about. There was one totally unexpected shock that made me have some very ugly tears. That and the part about the mother whale. No one abused them by the way, it was just a sad part of life. The descriptions in this book were done so well. It makes you feel like you are on the water, in the coffee shop or on the farm. It was just a very good book from start to finish.
Thank you to #NetGalley, #Lake Union and #Jennifer Gold for the ARC of this book. This is my own true review.
I gave it 4 stars and a high recommendation.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

DOVETAIL by Karen McQuestion

I’ve read several of Karen McQuestion’s books and have to say that this is my all time favorite by far. It’s so full of emotions of all kinds that you will keep reading and wanting to know what happens with each page, each chapter.

This book is told from two different time periods. In 1916 when Pearl was just a teen and in 1983 when she is an old woman dying from cancer. Her story is one that will break your heart. Make you believe in love. Bring you to your knees. Fill you with hope and make you want more. It’s such a good story and you won’t forget it for a good long while.

This is a tragedy and a love story. It’s the story of two sisters in the early years and a grandmother and grandson in the later years. Joe first meets his grandmother, Pearl, when he is 21 years old. He was always told that she had died. His dad never talked about her and he really had no questions. But once he meets her his life will change drastically. She breaks him out of a psychiatric hospital and takes him to her home. His dad and step mother thought he needed to be in this hospital because of the dreams he was having that disturbed him and scared them. Little did they or anyone know exactly what these dreams would eventually reveal.

Pearl is an old woman who has so many regrets in her life. Things she has done and can’t change. Her fear of dying and her longing to make amends with her son, Bill. They both seem to be rather stubborn in many ways and neither wants to be the one to admit they are wrong.

Kathleen moved to town to escape her abusive ex husband. She needed to get away where he could not find her. She and Joe become friends. She took over her great aunt’s second hand store and moved into her home after her death. It was the answer to her problems so she thought. Kathleen is a sweet young woman that you will love. You’ll root for her to find love and happiness as she certainly deserves it. Even though she vows to never fall in love again. She really just needs to find the right man.

This is a story to make you feel many feelings. From sorrow, heartache, tragedy, true deep emotional love, loss, just plain meanness, forgiveness, starting over. It has all the feels you can get from a book. Laughter even. I did cry quite a few tears reading this one but I also laughed a lot. I cringed and held my breath also. It is one book that will give you many feels.

Great characters that you will love, some maybe hate, but most you will love. The settings are done to perfection and you’ll feel like you are in both time periods. You’ll feel each persons pain and happiness. Love and heartache. It’s a feeling book for sure.

I have to thank #NetGalley, #Lake Union Publishers, #Karen McQuestion for the eARC of the awesome book. This is my own true review.

I gave it 5 stars and believe me it deserves way more. A huge high recommendation to everyone. This book will grab you and won’t let go. It’s done so perfectly. From start to finish everything falls in place and all your questions are answered. It’s one great book.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

TEN DAYS GONE by Beverly Long

Another new to me author with a great debut novel. A very intense mystery/thriller. The mystery of who is killing and why every ten days. The thriller, the next victim and will the killer get her. Or will A.L. McKittridge and Rena, his partner, be able to save her?

When A.L and Rena start trying to piece together what happened to four victims, with little clues to go by, they have no idea what they are in for. Each victim is found basically in the same shape. Not hurt, not molested but without clothes on and smothered, with their clothes neatly folded beside them. No signs of a break in or struggle. What can these women have in common and can these two detectives save the fifth before it’s to late. Can they figure out who is doing this and why. When they do figure out who will be the fifth victim they are in for a long search to find her before it’s to late. Tess, the next victim, is nowhere to be found.

 A town full of people and no one ever sees anything. No one hears anything. A psychopath on the lose. Is he or she right under the detectives noses? Will they find him/her in time? Or will there be a fifth victim. They each have something, one thing, in common. One thing that ties them together. It’s up to you and these detectives to find out what and save the day.

This book was so good. The way the clues fall I was unable to figure out who the killer was. I wasn’t totally surprised buy sure didn’t figure it out at all. At one point I thought it was everyone in this book. Well not the victims of course but everyone that the detectives talked to or about. I wanted to know so bad who it was and whether Tess was going to be save, escape, live or die that I stayed awake later than usual to finish. It had a great ending. One that really had me on the edge holding my breath. It was one thrill after another while the detectives raced to find Tess.

I throughly enjoyed this book from the start to the very last word. I rooted for the victim and for the detectives through the whole thing. It’s a thrill a minute and it’s one that will have you wondering just who is doing this. Why and how are they doing this. You will find out so be prepared.

Thank you to NetGalley, HARLEQUIN – Trade Publishing (U.S. & Canada)
MIRA, and Beverly Long for this arc. This is my own true review.

I gave it a big 5 stars and believe it’s worth every single one of them. I highly recommend this book.

Friday, March 6, 2020

WOMAN ON THE EDGE by Samantha M Bailey

This was a very emotional and heartbreaking story. A new mother suffering from postpartum depression and severe anxiety and not trusting anyone except her best friend. Being plagued by things from her past and blaming herself for something that happened when she was only 17 years old. All of that contributes to her falling apart. That and the strange things that keep happening. Nicole suffers from some common mental disorders but other factors play a part in her complete and total breakdown that leads to her death.

Nicole and Greg seem to have the perfect life. Both are successful in their careers. Both are young and good looking and so deeply in love. Then Nicole finds herself pregnant. She worries that Greg may not want a child as they had never planned on any but to her surprise he is very happy about it.

Tessa, Nicole’s best friend, knows all of her deepest secrets. Her fears. Why she is so afraid after her baby, Quinn, is born. Afraid she won’t be able to keep her safe. Tessa is the only person that Nicole truly completely trusts. After her marriage is put to the ultimate test and Greg moves out, Nicole seems to get worse. Mentally she is in so much turmoil. She doesn’t know what is real and what isn’t. She decides there is only one thing that she can do to keep her baby completely safe.

On the platform of the subway Nicole hands her baby to Morgan and tells her to please take care of her and keep her safe. She says she knows what she really wants and calls her by name. Then Nicole jumps to her death. From there this story really heats up. It’s a roller coaster of a ride all the way to the end. More ups and downs that will keep you turning the pages as fast as possible. Who can you trust. Who is trying to run you down. Who cares about Quinn and who is only after her inheritance.

This is my first book by this author and it’s her debut novel. I do look forward to many more.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #Simon#Schuster and #Samantha M Bailey for this arc. This is my complete and honest review.

Again a 5 star book for me. I highly recommend this one. It has it all.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

PLEASE SEE US by Caitlin Mullen

PLEASE SEE US by Caitlin Mullen

This is another new to me author but I will look forward to reading more by her.

“A feral cat winds its way around your ankles, its whiskers holding the light from the moon. Something lost recognizing one of its own.”
“They sense the shift in the wind during the final stretches of July. They know that this new month will bring warmer water, longer nights, cooler breezes. Then, the ocean will brew storms, hurricanes that surge their way up the coast. Wind that tears at the grass, tides that could scatter them, wash away what’s left. They think this means they’re running out of time. Time to tell their stories, time to be heard. They pleas again for someone to see before it’s too late.”
“The scream starts as a pain in her gut that buckles her in two. It roars up through her lungs, rips through the air, horrible and animal. She couldn’t keep Georgia happy, couldn’t keep her home, couldn’t keep her safe.”
“The women hover above it all, presiding like ghosts. Even now, they, like everyone else in town, still believe in luck, in the change of tides, in the upswing, in the chance that they’ll hit on the next deal. That something else will happen, something beautiful, wonderful, something that will turn it all around. They choose to believe that this isn’t the end.

This book is very sad in so many ways. It’s about a serial killer. He preys on women who are lost souls. Some might think they get what they deserve. They are wives, mothers, someone’s child, all come to Atlantic City running from something. Each woman’s story is heartbreaking. Each has something going on in her life that she feels she can’t deal with in any other way. A mother who believes she doesn’t really deserve her baby. A young eighteen year old who does not believe she deserves the good life she is given. Each feels like they do not deserve anything good in life. Each story is unique yet in some ways the same. They are drug addicts, prostitutes, working girls from different walks of life. No one deserves to have their lives taken from them.
Each story, each woman in this book has problems. Two befriend each other and together they survived this crazy town. This book shows how a person can become so desperate that they will do anything to get away and anything to just survive. To get their next fix. Their next meal. I felt so sorry for each Jane in this book. There are six Janes plus one more. The six are together. Wondering what is gong to happen next. Will he be caught? Will they be found? Will they be there for the weather to claim them for all of eternity?
Sometimes a book comes along that really makes you stop and think. Makes you stop and wonder. Makes you believe. This book sure made me do some deep thinking. What ifs. What if it was my child. What if it was me. You just never know what your life holds deep down. You have no idea what can happen in your life that makes you do things that you never, in your deepest thoughts, would do just to survive. People are not born this way. Life does it. Yes we have choices but sometimes those choices are not clear. We just do not see them. It can and does happen every day. All we can do is try and help each other. Be a friend. Have empathy towards our fellow humans. Don’t always assume that people are doing what they are doing because they want too. It could be circumstances that brought them to that life.

Thank you #NetGalley #Caitlin Mullen and #Gallery Books for this ARC for my complete and honest review.

I gave it 5 stars. It’s worth each one in my opinion. I highly recommend this one. It’s a mystery/thriller you won’t be able to put down until all of your questions are answered.

Hiding In Plain View by Marcel Clarke

  Synopsis Hiding in Plain View is a gripping tale of resilience, redemption, and self-discovery. Entrepreneur, community advocate, and You...