Friday, June 11, 2021

Book beginnings on Friday & Friday 56%


Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader

The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice

Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

My beginnings:

The old woman watched from the shadows outside Behaimstrasse 72, waiting for the lights inside to blink out. The apartment's balcony dripped with crimson roses, and ivy climbed the iron rails, but the young couple who lived there-the power-hungry Siegfried Juttner and his aloof wife, Alwine-weren't the ones who tended the plants.


That evening, one of the other nuns, a woman named Sister Maria Imelda, stayed with a sleeping Anka, while the others gathered around a narrow, splintered table in the small wooden house behind the church. A slender woman with sloping shoulders and graying hair who went by Sister Maria Terese had prepared a rich hare and potato soup, and another nun, the youngest among them, a blond woman with big blue eyes and a tiny, delicate nose, had baked bread that, though it smelled like wood shavings, made Yona's mouth water.


  1. Would love to know what your book is so I can find it on Goodreads! Happy weekend!

    1. My mind must have been on something else. Sorry. I'll fix this right now.

      Thank you and have a happy weekend also!

  2. Now I am curious and want to know more!

    1. I'm reading it now. I've not got very far into it yet though but it's good. A historical fiction.
      Thank you and have a great weekend!


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