Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Vanishing Bookstore by Helen Phifer


My thoughts

I loved this book. It was such a good story about witches, powers, and a witch hunter. It had all the feels and all the things I love in a good book. I laughed in places and cried in others. I rooted for the three witches to prevail. This author did a fantastic job of capturing my attention and keeping it until the very last word. 

Dora lives with her aunt in London and owns a flower shop. She loves flowers and does good with this shop. When a stranger comes in and says he is looking for something for his deceased girlfriend little does Dora know that her life is about to change. And quickly.

Dora and Lenny leave London to go back to Salem, MA. Dora has no idea what she's in for when they get there. Or the secrets that will be revealed to her. Lenny, Sephy, and Lucine are sisters. All are witches who have lived many lifetimes. Over and over. Dora has lived many lifetimes also but does not remember it. These women have been cursed with living their lives over and over. Seeing each other die and grieving. It's time to put a stop to it.

Told from different timelines and filled with magic. A curse was cast on the women and on a couple of men. They live forever, over and over again. You can feel the tension and the laughter both. The love of this family of witches. The hate from the witch hunter. The love of one man for one woman. The power of setting things right. I loved reading this book. It was such a good one. Each character was lovable, except Corwin that is. When Dora realizes that one of her "aunts" is really her mother she has mixed emotions. Anger of course for being lied to. But also excitement for getting to see her mother again. 

What was done to women back in the 1600s was horrible. Being accused of witchcraft and killed. If you crossed a man he could call you a witch and have you taken. Have you hanged. You get a feel for what happened to the English sisters. What the people in this town did to them. 

I loved it. The dual timelines were perfect. The different points of view were great. This book was just the best. So enjoyable.

Thank you #NetGalley, #Bookouture, #bookoutureaudio, for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Five stars.


‘Every story needs a happy ending. And you can’t have yours until you find the bookstore.’

1692. On the outskirts of Salem, a bookstore stands covered in overgrown vines. Inside, a young woman hides a linen-wrapped journal under a loose floorboard and runs away, panicked by the sound of hounds barking in the distance. The bookstore vanishes into thin air…

Present day. Stepping inside a pale-pink house on one of the oldest streets in Salem, Dora can’t believe she’s about to finally meet the mother she thought died tragically when she was just a child. But the excitement is short-lived. Dora’s mother has fear in her eyes, and with a trembling voice she ‘my life is in danger, and now so is yours…’

Desperate not to lose her mother all over again, Dora digs into her family’s mysterious past, and stumbles upon a seemingly impossible the key to their survival is hidden in a bookstore that no one has seen for generations.

Losing herself amongst thorny brackens and twisted ferns, Dora eventually finds the path that leads to the bookstore. But someone is watching her. They’ve been waiting for her.

As she pushes open the beautiful blue door hidden amongst the sharp brambles, and stands in front of rows of crumbling leatherbound books with faded pages, she has no idea of the secrets she is about to uncover. Or that her life is in more danger than ever before…

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